How going to church is like visiting a father in prison
People often ask "Do you go to church?" I think the question should be "Do you have a relationship with God?" The difference is...
Guest post on Humility by Tariro Makwavarara
This week I asked someone I've found to be the most humble person I know to write a post on humility. I'll let it...
Discovering quiet strength
We don't have football in my country, well at least not the American kind so the first time I found out about Tony Dungy...
Dream Pursuit
Learning from your mentors’ influencers
In this post I wrote about my speaker mentors, that is motivational and transformational speakers that influence me. Although I'm learning all I can from them,...
Dream Pursuit
Last night I fell in love with a dead man
I fell in love with James Allen, the way Yossarian fell in love with the Chaplin in the book Catch-22. I was reading As a...
Dream Pursuit
3 books you can’t afford not to read
I've written about the power of thoughts before. In that post I talked about how my mindset changed after I read the book 'Key to yourself'...
2 Preachers to watch to grow your faith
In this post I wrote about how I was in a bad place and how my life was spiraling out of control. That’s when I...
Dream Pursuit
Do you truly know yourself?
In a previous post I discussed the importance of loving yourself. In another post I talked about being compassionate to yourself through writing self-compassionate letters. What is also...
Dream Pursuit
The fallacy of ‘no room for growth’
Have you ever heard people complain about their jobs having ‘no room for growth’ or were you the one making the complaint? Do you...
Dream Pursuit
Have you lived out some of your childhood dreams?
I’ve seen The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on many lists of ‘books you have to read before you die.’ I don’t know why I hadn’t...