2 Preachers to watch to grow your faith


In this post I wrote about how I was in a bad place and how my life was spiraling out of control. That’s when I turned to God and things started to change. Because I had enough guilt and shame to deal with on my own, I didn’t need to hear from people who would offer that. I wanted preachers who could help grow my faith, who could let me know how loving and accepting God is. I wanted preachers who don’t discriminate, who could make me feel welcome with their message.

As I’ve said in the past, you can hear from different people and preachers but at the end of the day the Bible is your main source. Learn from others but always consult the main source if you have questions or are not sure if what you’re hearing is the truth. Watching sermons online and on TV helped bridge the gap from where I felt lost to where I am now.
I’ve watched a number of preachers but for anyone wanting to turn to God and know that they will not be judged and will feel accepted, I suggest the following preachers:

Joel Osteen
A friend of mine introduced me to Joel Osteen by suggesting I read his book ‘Your best Life Now’. It turned out to be one of the best books I’ve ever read. It led to me wanting to find out more about the author and I ended up watching his sermons. Joel Osteen is the Pastor at Lakewood Church in Huston Texas. When he preaches I always feel loved by God. He portrays God as a loving father who cares for me and wants what’s best for me and I believe him. I believe him even more when he gets so passionate about something he’s saying that his voice breaks. It shows me how much he cares.

When you’re feeling like you’re far away from God and want to get closer to God, the last thing you need is condemnation or someone making you feel bad for your actions. I can safely say Joel Osteen would never make anyone feel like that. If you want someone to help lead you on the right path, I can vouch for Joel Osteen even though I don’t know him personally.

Steven Furtick
He’s so real. I think that’s the best way I can describe Steven Furtick. He’s the Pastor of Elevation Church. He has a lot of great qualities as a preacher but for me what stands out is that he is just so REAL. He is willing to expose himself, to be seen in a bad light so he can help others dealing with whatever he’s talking about. He did that in one of the first sermons of his that I watched and he had me.

He doesn’t claim to know all there is to know about the Bible making him easy to relate to. He’s the type of preacher that you can see yourself having a conversation with him about Christ and you’ll both get to have a say.

There are other preachers that I watch but these two are great for beginner Christians or people who had turned away from God and are now finding their way back. If you’re not sure where to begin, I’d start with them.


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