You never know who’s watching and learning from you


A few months ago I drove past a man who was sitting outside his house and I thought “when was the last time I just sat outside?” Not going outside because I was going somewhere but going outside to relax and feel the air, look at the trees and the rest of nature. I decided I need to take time out to just sit outside because I can. In other countries they don’t have the luxury because it’s too cold or raining.

When I passed the same area on my way back home, I passed the same man now taking a walk. He appeared to have no care in the world. In a country where everyone’s shoulders seem hunched carrying the burden of 17 hour daily power cuts and water shortages, his shoulders had a lightness to them. They spoke of freedom in an otherwise oppressive environment. If I didn’t have somewhere to be I would have stopped to admire this stranger some more as one would an exhibition. If it wouldn’t have been intrusive I would have captured that moment and framed the picture. To remind myself to stop and bask in the sun, to take a walk and to just be.

As I observed this man, I thought “when was the last time I took a walk?” Not treadmill walking but going outside and taking a walk. I decided I could use some of that and I’ve started taking walks and have been enjoying it.

I don’t know who that man was. I don’t know why he was sitting outside that day. I don’t know why he took that walk. All I know is both actions got me thinking and made me decide to take action.

Now what does that have to do with you? Why am I writing about this? I’m sharing this because that man doesn’t know me or know of me and yet he touched my life. He crossed my path and left an impact without even realizing it. It makes you wonder, how many lives are we impacting without realizing it? How many people are watching what we do or say when we’re not aware they are? Do you think it’s good or bad things?

At any given moment, someone is watching and learning from us. Whether it’s our children, our friends, our co-workers, someone is always watching. It’s up to us what they see and what they get to copy and learn from. How are you faring as a role model?


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