Who is Sibo Hlabangana and what is she about?


It’s my birthday tomorrow so this week I’m allowing myself to be self-indulgent. In style, I sat down with yours truly to interview myself for you know, that one reader who wants to know the answer to this question “Who is Sibo and what is she about?” Sound crazy? I know it does but I don’t care because it’s my birthday. So here goes nothing.

Q: Where do you find your identity?
A: My identity is found in God. With God as my Father, Christ as my Savior and with the Holy Spirit leading me I have a foundation that I believe is solid. Knowing that I’m a loved child of God gives me a sense of belonging that lets me know who I am and that lets me live with inner peace that no matter what God’s got this.

Q: If you were to be well known for something, what would it be?
A: I’d want people to ask “Do you know Sibo?” and without hesitating the answer should be “Oh you mean that woman of faith?” I want to be known for believing in things before they happen. For being an example that if you believe, anything is possible.

Q: Do you have any regrets so far in your life?
A: I’ve done my share of things I’m not proud of, believe me I have. In the past I regretted some of them. Now though I’ve realized that those things form part of my story and it has become my testimony. Those things have also made me more understanding of people and not quick to judge.

Q: How do you get up after failing or being disappointed?
A: I turn to God, be it to cry, vent or ask for understanding. It helps me to deal with whatever happened without losing it like I used to in the past where a night of lots of booze was the answer. I also try to see what lesson I can learn from it.

Q: Have you ever felt inadequate?
A: So many times I couldn’t count if I tried. During those times I remind myself that I’m not doing this on my own. Only a few weeks ago I was tasked with something that had me in panic mode and a verse popped in my head, Ephesians 2 verse 10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” It reminded me that God’s already prepared it all, I just have to walk in it. I said that verse to myself over and over until I calmed down and everything was fine.

Q: What 3 lessons would you want young people to know?
A: Wow! So many to choose from.
1. Be yourself. That means it shouldn’t matter what people think of you as long as you are true to yourself, your beliefs and your values. That means be fine with being called crazy, different or weird. Being the so called “normal” is overrated.  2. Your thoughts are very important because at the end of the day you become what you think. Before anything can be seen, it starts in the mind. Be careful of your thoughts. 3. Choose your friends wisely. You become whoever you hang out with the most. The people around you will help lead to your success or to your downfall.

Q: What 3 books would you highly recommend?
A: This is constantly changing the more I read. Right now I’d say these 3: 1. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen because it got me dreaming big; 2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho because it encouraged me to follow my passions; and 3. In a pit with a lion on a snowy day by Mark Batterson because it led to me finding out the purpose for my life.

Q: What does success look like for you?
A: Success for me means living my life in a manner that is pleasing to God. It means living in my purpose. That is accompanied by being able to travel whenever and wherever I want whilst money comes in from my different sources of income. I inspire people with my writing, speaking and any other work that I do. It also means being a wife and mother who is there for her family.

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be?
A: The power to make ice-cream that doesn’t melt so you can carry it around in your bag. Just kidding. Actually I would want to have the power to bring people peace, to be able to help people be at peace within themselves and thereby bring calm into any situation I walk into.

Q: What are some of your favorite things?
A: Favorite poem – The invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Favorite board game – 30 seconds. Favorite TV shows – Too many to choose from but top 5 would have to be: How to get away with murder, Scandal, Breaking bad, The Wire and Lost.

Q: What message do you want to leave the reader with?
A: Dare to dream big and believe because if you believe, anything is possible.

Q: Wait, wait, before you go, what are the top 5 things you’re looking for in a potential husband? I mean, you never know who’s reading…
A: This is starting to sound like a dating profile, but in case someone interested decides to Google me, here they are: 1. He has to have a relationship with God. That doesn’t necessarily mean he attends any church. 2. He has to be a great leader. 3. He has to be faithful. 4. He does what he says he will do. 5. I have to be attracted to him.


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