Running a business in a difficult time and environment – An interview with Mati Mwamuka

This article was originally published in the August 2020 Issue of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


In each Issue of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine, we celebrate individuals that dream big, pursue their dreams and are pursuing success on their own terms. I’d like us to learn from them, to see how like us they are or how they differ from us. For us to see what we can do differently or continue to do to pursue our own dreams and success. In this Issue we shine the spotlight on Mati Mwamuka.

Mati Mwamuka is a business woman who is a franchise owner, as part of the Sorbet Group. With an accounting degree, Mati is a qualified CA, who rose up the ranks to the position of Senior Manager before choosing to go out on her own. Having worked for companies such as Ernst & Young and the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC,) she left the corporate world to run and manage a hair salon, a Candi & Co franchise. She is a passionate, enthusiastic and hands on leader. She has been featured on The Big Small Business Show on Business Day TV. As someone who has excelled in the corporate world, now running her own business, all while being a wife and mother, I think she is someone we can learn a lot from.

Where are you from and where do you currently live?

I’m from Zimbabwe, currently living in South Africa.

Growing up, did you imagine you would do the things you’ve been able to do in your life?

I never imagined so. There are times when I look at everything and I am like “I did not imagine this.” God has been merciful.

So far, what are you most proud of achieving in your life?

My graduation moment, my professional qualification, my family, my husband and a good pair of Nikes! 🙂

What are you currently working on? Or are planning to start working on?

Currently working on my business, a Hair Salon part of the Candi & Co Franchise. I would like to head back into Corporate, ironically I have missed it.

What did you do before starting your own business?

I was a Senior Manager in Internal Audit at the IDC.

What made you decide to start a business?

A Leap of faith. I just felt led in that direction although there are moments in the journey were I start to feel it was actually my own desire and thoughts and I was not led. I think these are the moments God feels far.

Why that particular business?

I have very thick hair and I generally had bad experiences at hair salons. I had the desire to start a salon before finally pursuing Sorbet (Candi & Co.) I did the research and it just did not materialize. For a very long time I eyed Sorbet and was intrigued by it and one day a friend of mine told me to just apply for the franchise, which I did. One thing led to the next and I ended up going for the Candi and Co part of their business which resonated with me.

What do you enjoy about running your own business?

Doing my nails, particularly my toe nails 🙂 On a serious note, it’s to see lives changed. Our brand seeks to give women of colour a different salon experience, a good one, at a reasonable price and to advise women on the best way to look after their hair. It has been a lot of emotional sacrifice and effort. I hope the “gift” of service is appreciated.

What have you found to be difficult or challenging as a business owner?

People management and managing expectations. To get the best out of people is not in the least easy and at times the team does not have the same heart and same vision. There is a lot of hard mistakes and I tell you, you need God in business more than when you have a guaranteed pay check each month. It is humbling.

How has the Coronavirus affected your business and what have you learned as a result?

Corona Virus is most probably the single most challenging experience I have encountered in my life, with employees relying and looking at you and at the same time the environment demands that you innovate, you are agile, positive and look for the best. I have learnt nothing in life is certain and only God knows what the future holds, what you gain, what you lose and how He looks after us all. I learnt to spend a lot of time with God and how much human connection we require. Stress is one of the most unproductive feelings as it adds nothing to your life. In the end actually everything works out. I don’t know how but everything works out. I have learnt who my friends are, those who checked on me and asked “how is business?” Sad to say only one person did. Sad.

If someone wanted to start their own business, what insights would you give them?

Follow your heart, you never know unless you try. Work hard, put your heart into it. Follow good accounting and legal practices, always have your house in order. Be cautious of partnerships, they are difficult to manage, especially if you have never done a partnership before. A partnership requires experience and knowledge. And of course pray, you need to know who is rooting for you.

How long have you been married?

14 years.

Briefly, how did you meet your husband?

At an 18th Birthday party for my friend that he was hosting.

Do you have children?

Yes 2 girls.

How do you balance being a wife, mother and running a business or any other pursuits?

I stopped my corporate job to find balance. The business is demanding in some respects but it allows for a good work life home balance. I realised we make time for what matters to us and discipline creates time.

Think about it, during lock down did you do all the things you set out to do given that there was so much “time?” Sadly not. It boils down to discipline and priorities and much help from the Holy Spirit.

Do you have dreams, goals or a vision for your life?


Have you recorded the above in any way? If yes, how?

In my prayer journal and in an app called Vision board.

Have any of your dreams or goals come true or been achieved?

Yes, God has been good.

How are you keeping your dreams alive? (For example I watch Architectural Digest homes to see my dream house. Someone else might go test-drive their dream car.)

Mmm I could do better, I don’t believe I’m doing this.

What drives you in life? What keeps you going?

Winning and family.

What does success look like for you?

Peace and a depth of beauty.

Have you ever felt inadequate? If yes, what was the situation and how did you handle it?

I felt inadequate during COVID 19. So much responsibility and most probably the first time I actually did not have a plan and no income. Still handling it I suppose. I have just ignored the feeling but it’s driven me to want more as well.

Have you ever failed at something or not achieved what you hoped for or been disappointed after not being chosen for something? If yes, what happened and how did you handle the situation? What kept you going?

In ministry somehow I have felt like that the things of God are not so clear cut. I have found that different ideologies have disappointed me and when a Christian group does not grow I find that disappointing or when it gets “shut” down I always feel like I have failed God somehow, like why should Christin agendas get shut down? The business has not achieved the revenue targets I thought. Well in the first instance I realized God is a God of free will sometimes we go the wrong way and sometimes He simply respects the decisions we make. I just now make the most of the season, learn as much as I can as I don’t know what tomorrow holds or if things will change. Healing and prayer has kept me going, as well as I suppose hope and being naive.

What has been the most trying time of your life? How did you work/live through it or get to the other side?

I think COVID 19 is top of mind, but also when I had to write a supplementary exam for my Accounting degree. When I had a disappointing conversation with my favourite aunt. God is always at the centre of all the storms. I always have to pray through things to make sense of them.

Are you in any way or form taking care of or feeding your spirit, body and soul? If yes, how are you doing that?

Lock down was a good time, I spent more time than I usually do in prayer. I did an online course on the prophetic but actually the course is more about breaking down the hindrances that stop us from hearing God. I have joined some prayer groups and I participate as best as I can. I am getting into a routine and rhythm with God, it’s still rough around the edges but it’s there. I research a lot and listen to YouTube sermons. I am always open to learn. For the body I try and juice but that has not been done diligently, I have been eating a lot of chocolates, I need to fix that. Taking care of the soul part is friends sitting outside, music, my sisters, my parents.

How do you show yourself love, if you do that?

Mmm good question. I don’t think I do this but I do love getting my toe nails done.  I need to explore this a bit more.

Do you have a morning routine? If yes, please share.

Lately I have developed a new routine. I wash my hands, face, teeth, open the curtains and settle down and pray. I try to remember to put on the armour of God, pray the fruits of the spirits, gifts of the spirit and Isaiah 11:2. This is still a new routine but this is where I’m going.

What places have you travelled to? What has been the best place you’ve visited and why?

I’ve been to Mauritius, USA, Mozambique, Kenya, China and the UK. My favourite was Singapore, it was a dream destination. And it was just nice, nice food, nice people, I loved it!

What have you learned from your travel experiences?

Don’t stare and enjoy. Plan for jet lag. If you go to Mauritius book for full board (it makes the drinks by the beach cheaper!) Always check your children’s passports because they expire faster than yours and always renew your passport in good time. Pack lots of bikinis, sunglasses and hats. Don’t have a straight weave on holiday. Enjoy and switch off your phone.

Do you have any people you consider role models? (Living or passed on) If yes please name 3.

Apostle Michelle Peterson, Elizabeth Mushonga and my Mom.

Are you currently reading any books or watching videos or listening to podcasts to improve yourself? If yes, please give 3 examples.

  2. Prayer Rain (Not for the faint hearted)
  3. Apostle Michelle Peterson

What 3 books, videos or movies do you think a person who wants to transform their life needs to read/watch?

  1. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom (there was just something life changing about that book for me.)
  2. Apostle Michelle Peterson (God is Love and tackles warfare in a good way.)
  3. Bruce Almighty (God is fair.)

Are you currently reading or watching anything for entertainment? If yes, what are you reading or watching?

I like very odd movies, vampire movies, science fiction with a bit of a thrill. I like epics like Lord of the rings, something that makes you sit and watch for 3 hours with some good fighting in between. When I start watching TV I really go on a serious binge.

Do you take time out to have fun? If yes, what do you do for fun?

I don’t do it enough but spa days and dinner and dessert with my husband.

If you were to be well known for something, what would you want it to be? Or how would you want to be remembered at the end of your life?

A race well run, lives changed and people knowing the love and freedom of God. Success and beauty.

What life lessons or thoughts would you like to leave the reader with?

  1. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive God, forgive people, forgive yourself and forgive the shop steward who angered you. Forgive strangers. Just forgive!
  2. Not everything has to make sense, just do the best you can, we are all different.
  3. Everything does work together for good no matter how difficult it is.
  4. Your body will tell the tale in your old age of what you did to it.
  5. Live to be in the register in heaven (yes ask God to be in the register.)

You can follow Candi & Co Blue Hills on Instagram: @candiandco_bluehills


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