Maybe tomorrow my dream will come true – An interview with Sandra Areka


Here at Inspiration by Sibo we encourage living a well-balanced life, what we have termed a Sibo Lifestyle, as we pursue it too. Once a month, I’m going to be interviewing men and women currently living in pursuit of a Sibo-Lifestyle. These will be individuals that dream big, pursue their dreams, live a conscious life, value themselves and are pursuing success on their own terms. I’d like us to learn from them, to see how like us they are or how they differ from us. For us to see what we can do differently or continue to do to pursue our own dreams and success whilst living a well-balanced life.

To start us off on this series of interviews, is Sandra Areka. Sandra Areka is a professional counselor with wide experience in working with diverse people and groups of all ages, from children to the elderly. She is also a counselling trainer, a speaker and an event planner. Sandra was kind enough to answer some questions, regarding how she pursues a well-balanced life.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on building my business, which is event planning. I bake cakes for all occasions and do snacks. I plan events, such as Birthday parties, Baby showers, Bridal showers, Graduations, Weddings, Business seminars. I am also a Psychotherapist and have worked with diverse people groups from all ages from the young to the elderly. Professional Counselling is still a new phenomenon in our African culture. The challenge is breaking the myths about what counselling is and what it is not. If one requires counselling, they should seek out a professional counselor. It always amazes me that when someone is ill they go to a Nurse or Doctor, yet when they are mentally or emotionally unwell they shun counselling yet the majority of illnesses are caused by emotional and mental issues. Lastly I am a trainer, and author and working on my 2nd counselling training manual.

 Do you enjoy what you’re doing?

I love what I do. It gives me joy and I feel so energized when I work in events, training and psychotherapy.

What made you decide to get into that work or business?

For my passion in events I started while I was still in primary school. I think I was in grade 5 when I baked my first birthday cake. It was for my uncle and because I did not have a lot of ingredients, I went out in the garden picked some lemons and baked him a cake in a kango bowl. As I grew up I was constantly asked by family, friends, and workmates to organize events from end of year office parties, seminars, camps, to family and friends’ weddings. At first I would shun organizing events, because I do not like the limelight. I am one of those people that like working in the background. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men”. Just be You. Stay in your lane and your gift will make room for you.

Do you have dreams, goals or a vision for your life?

Yes. They keep my hope alive. My dream is to own a State of the Art International Events Center that will host exquisite events. It will be a destination Events Center that will attract guests from all over the world. My other dream is to share the podium with Oprah Winfrey. And also to own a Counselling Retreat Center that will provide psycho-social support and provide a safe place for clients to express and share their stories.

Have you recorded your goals, dreams or vision in any way?

Yes I have recorded them on my vision boards, and some as write ups in my journal. My vision board is such a great tool for me to express my thoughts, feelings and desires. It’s unlimited.

How are you keeping your dreams or vision alive?

The expectancy that maybe tomorrow my dream will come true. I can’t give up today because tomorrow is coming. I don’t want to be the guy who gave up a few inches before gold. Imagine this, maybe tomorrow I will organize a world class event that will impress my guests so much and open doors on the international scene. Who knows maybe tomorrow will be the day that opens the door to my dream of being a billionaire. How am I going to achieve that goal? It’s simple really! I am going to write a best seller book and sell it for US$1 to a billion people and become a billionaire. Then, of course the expectancy that tomorrow is when the man of my dreams, yes, the one who sets my soul on fire knocks on the door of my heart. He is so handsome and not apologetic or vain about it, for the sake of posterity and family portraits. Imagine missing out on all that. That’s why I just can’t give up today. Tomorrow is coming.

Have any of your dreams or goals come true or been achieved?

Yes, getting my degree. I decided to go back to school in my 30s and got a Bachelors of Science honors degree in Counselling. With many certificates and diplomas and more than 15 years’ experience in administration and bookkeeping, I switched professions. It’s never too late to chase your dreams. Also being a motivational speaker for the Roundtable Women’s Day Event on 7 March 2020. Roundtable is a group of phenomenal ladies who are motivational speakers in Bulawayo, the City of Kings and are a force to be reckoned with. My other goals are still a work in progress as I move towards my dream of becoming Doctor Sandy.

What drives you in life? What keeps you going?

God is my driving force. He is bigger than I can ever think or imagine. Just when I think I know him, He shows me another facet of himself that I never knew. I love the reality that He wants my dreams to come true more than I do for myself, because He gave me my purpose, visions, goals and desires.

Do you know the purpose for your life? If yes, do you believe you are living in it?

Yes, my purpose is to inspire humanity to live a life of purpose through psychotherapy. I believe God created me on purpose for a purpose.  I believe through psychotherapy I will be able to empower people, especially the girl-child and women to discover and live their purpose. Discovering one’s purpose is not a sprint but a marathon. One’s background, family, education, job, career, skills, talents are all tools to get one into their purpose.

What does success look like for you?

Success for me looks like a young girl coming up to me and saying “Thank you for your life. Because you inspired me to find my purpose, to go to school, to work on my talents and skills.” It’s an old lady who has no family or no one to look after her, who manages to have food, clothes and a roof over her head through our organization. It’s the orphan or vulnerable child who has been rescued from their hopeless life and now has a place to call home because of our organization. Lastly but not least, it’s coming home to my family who are supportive of my dreams.

Have you ever failed at something or not achieved what you hoped for? If yes, what happened and how did you handle the situation?

Some years ago when trying to get my driving license, I failed a number of times. I remember one Sunday I went for the test. After going through the drums, then into town and back to the VID, I thought I had passed, only to be told I had failed. I was so crushed. I had invested so much money in the lessons and the tests. I just broke down and cried. I called my brother who just said to me “you will try again and pass, don’t be sad.” I was crushed and thought I would never go for another test. After a month, I went again and I passed. I believe failure is part of success because it shows you tried. Don’t give up. Dust yourself off and try again.

Are you in any way or form taking care of your spirit, body and soul? If yes, how do you do that?

I try to spend time daily taking care of my spirit through prayer, bible reading, meditation and positive thoughts. I also try to read motivational books, at least two a month. For my body, I drink lots of water and green tea. I try to get up to 5 litres a day, some days I meet my target. Once the body is well hydrated, I feel energized. It helps to maintain my weight and curb sickness. I also try to eat vegetables and fruits and less of processed foods. For my soul I try to feed it with positive thoughts and gratitude.

How do you show yourself love, if you do that?

I show myself love by taking time out for myself. Sometimes I take time off social media and find a quiet place, usually a place where there is nature and lots of fresh air and just take in the beauty of God’s creation. It gives me time to think and to refocus. I also show myself love by shopping, buying new clothes, a lady never has enough shoes. I do this just to say well done girl, for making it this far. I also take myself out and buy myself something to eat, yes to eat. I just ignore the healthy eating lifestyle for that day and eat lots of junk food, chips, ice-cream, lots of chocolate, chocolate cake and more chocolate.

Do you have a morning routine?

I don’t really have a fixed routine but when I wake up I read my bible, pray and make my bed. On some mornings I go for a walk or a jog, at least 3 times a week (excluding the winter season.) When I get back I drink a litre of water, then I’m ready for the day.

Generally how many hours do you sleep a night?

I sleep 6 to 7 hours, less when I am busy, maybe 4 to 5 hours.

Do you have any people you consider role models? If yes, please name 3:

Firstly, my mentor. She is an amazing woman. She is a godly, hardworking, strict, prayerful, smart, loving, kind woman and has a big heart. Secondly, my late father Justin Tshuma-Areka. He was the most loving, caring and kindest gentleman I knew. It’s been a lonely journey without him, but I am thankful for the values he instilled in me. Thirdly, my cousin, Dr Franklin Ndhlovu. He is a visionary, focused, a go-getter, a medical doctor and has an amazing love for God. I am proud of him and he inspires me.

Are you reading any books or watching any videos to improve yourself? If yes, what are they?

  1. The Holy Bible, currently reading through the book of John.
  2. How to build a multi-billion dollar business in Africa from Scratch by Strive Masiyiwa
  3. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Are you currently reading or watching anything for entertainment? If yes, what are you reading or watching?

  1. I enjoy Fast and Furious movies (all of them)
  2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
  3. Acrimony (I only watched this one once, I learnt a lot. In pursuit of our dreams let’s not trample on others to rise but rather let us rise with our key relationships so that when we get to the top, we have all achieved our dreams together. As you rise, raise others.)

What constitutes fun for you? What do you do for fun and when was the last time you had fun?

Yoh, I’m a workaholic, fun is work being busy and falling asleep exhausted after a hectic day, that’s fun for me lol. Fun is going on a road trip, I love to travel. Any time I’m traveling and seeing new places that’s it for me. I still look forward to my “20 must visit countries in the next 10 years” list.

Do you have any final thoughts you would like to leave the reader with?

Never give up. Never give up on God. You were created on purpose for a purpose. Everyday do something that will move you towards your dream. God has a way of surprising us. When preparation and opportunity meet, history is made! Keep preparing! Tomorrow is coming and maybe that’s the day your dream will come true!

To work with or get in touch with Sandra Areka, you can contact her on her WhatsApp No: +263716191795


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