Letter to you who wonders if God loves you


In the past I did not think anyone loved me, as a result I didn’t think God loved me. Now that I know He does, I still go through times where I wonder about that love. Not because of what God does or doesn’t do but because as I’ve recently discovered, I was conditioned to feel unloved from a young age. Now because my identity is found in God I have to remind myself time and again of His love for me. One way I do this is writing letters to myself to remind me why He loves me, incorporating scripture. This reminder is very important because it determines how I view the world and everything that happens to me and around me. Do you ever wonder if God loves you? If you do, this letter is for you as much as it is for me.

Dear you, who wonders if God loves you,

Without a doubt, God loves you. Maybe you know that but sometimes you don’t feel it. Well He loves you unconditionally and will never leave you. His love endures forever. He wants you to know you are lovable. You are His most prized possession. The apple of His eye. You are His beloved son/daughter and He is pleased with you. He loves you just like He loved David. He is proud of you and happy with who you are, just as you are, even if you did that, yes even that. You might feel you could improve in some areas, turn to Him as you are and He will work on those for you.

God says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” So that means you were not a mistake. You were wanted and are still wanted. He says “Do not fear for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” He made you in His image, which means you are beautiful. You are a child of the King of kings, that means you have royal blood flowing through your veins. You are royalty.

God also wants you to know that He knows you have been through a lot and sometimes wonder why He allowed it to happen. He says for everything that has happened in your life, He will use it for your good. It will all allow you to be able to minister to His children. You are one of the people He trusts to do that and to do it with love and understanding because you have experienced it yourself. It will all make sense when you find yourself in situations where you help others who are hurting. Others who, without you, would lose it. It really will all make sense, my precious, He says.

If you ever find yourself wondering about God’s love, remember what He has done for you. He sacrificed His son Jesus Christ to die for you. He didn’t have to do that but He chose to do it because He loves YOU. You might also wonder if He sees you. Yes, He does. He put a tracker inside of you, the Holy Spirit, so He knows where you are at all times.

I know you have a lot of dreams and things you’re believing God for that seem impossible right now. You might have some faith but sometimes it feels like it’s taking forever. God says “Is anything too hard for me?” and He says “At the right time, I the Lord will make it happen.” Trust in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart.

You probably don’t hear this enough but He loves you, more than you could ever imagine. If you ever doubt that, come back to this letter or better yet go and read all the scriptures used in this letter, especially Psalm 136, which you’ll find below. No matter what anyone says to you or does to you, don’t ever forget YOU ARE LOVED. 

With love,

Sibo Hlabangana.

Bible verses used in this letter:

Isaiah 55 verse 3, Jeremiah 1 verse 5, Genesis 1 verse 26, John 3 verse 16, Deuteronomy 31 verse 6, Zechariah 2 verse 8, Matthew 3 verse 17, Isaiah 43 verse 1, John 14 verses 16 and 17, Jeremiah 32 verse 27, Isaiah 60 verse 22, Psalm 37 verse 4, Romans 8 verse 32, and Psalm 136.


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