Discovering my purpose by Nomalanga Ncube


I am on a success journey that I have been on since January 2015 when I made a decision to become a better version of myself. I was broke and lonely.  I made a decision to change my life which was a positive first step.

I had been praying for marriage and money for the longest time and as 2014 ended I had neither. Needless to say, I had prayed and fasted to a point when one day my throat literally closed when I tried to eat an orange after a 3 day dry fast, I screamed until it opened up.  Stupidity is defined by Isaac Newton as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. My journey started with a lot of soul searching and being definite about what I really wanted.

I was coming from a Pentecostal background of push till you get an answer, so as I banged and banged on heaven’s door for answers, God told me that I had to have a purpose in life and everything else will be added unto me. God told me I was not the kind of girl who was born to be somebody’s trophy wife, he told me that I was a world changer. God basically told me to stop being a brat about marriage and begin to discover what I was born to do.

The journey of discovering my purpose has been fun and wonderful. I identified these 5 pillars of success; spirit, body, mind, business and people. I developed strategies for each by way of a vision board. And today I am in a happy space as I discover what I was born to do.

I am strategic about everything I do. For example in 2016 when I asked a piece of a decadent chocolate cake with lots of sugar what it was going to do for my body and it told me it was going to kill me I threw it away and stopped eating sugar for life. I watch what I feed my mind with. I am careful about who I spend my time with.  I am happy to report that I have a new purposeful life and it’s a good one, I have not prayed for money and marriage in a long time. Now in my prayers I seek the presence of the Lord, somehow my prayer request list is no longer of importance.  I am grateful, happy, still single and not yet in the cover of Forbes magazine.

Nomalanga Ncube is an entrepreneur, founder and Managing Director of Working Girl (Pvt) Limited, the holding company for WG Guest Villas and WG Catering. She is the founder of WG Foundation an NGO that helps young women start their own successful businesses. She is also a success coach and business consultant. You can contact her through:

Twitter – @nomancube2011
You tube – Success Talk with Noma TV
Facebook – Nomalanga Ncube
Instagram – working_girl_events


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