3 books you can’t afford not to read


I’ve written about the power of thoughts before. In that post I talked about how my mindset changed after I read the book ‘Key to yourself’ by Venice Bloodworth. Since then I’ve read many other books but these 3 books have stood out for me regarding the power of thoughts:

Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill
The magic of believing by Claude M Bristol
Key to yourself by Venice Bloodworth

What I’d like to do today is challenge you to read one or more of these books and see what happens in your life. See if you experience a mindset shift.  Read them all but if you choose only one make it ‘Think and grow rich’. It’s actually free on Amazon right now. I don’t know how long that’s going to be the case but it’s usually $0.99 or at least that’s how much I got it for. If you can show me one person who can read any of these books and nothing changes I’ll be shocked.

If you want to or are in the process of changing your life, these are the books to start with. Most self-development books today got something from these books. If you’re in the pursuit of your dreams, these books should be part of your library.

If you’ve read them how did you find them? If you’re yet to read them, do so and please let me know if they made a difference in any way.



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