3 speakers to watch to transform your life


As you may already know, or don’t know, I love reading. That’s where some of my inspiration has come from. Another way that I’ve been inspired to continue to dream big and to follow my dreams is through watching different motivational, inspirational and transformational speakers. I call them my ‘speaker mentors’ because I’ve learnt so much from them.

Have you ever had an experience where someone told you something and you just thought “Oh ok”? Then another person came and told you the same thing in a different way and you thought “Wow, that is deep!” Some people will do that to you. They have a certain way of putting things across that makes you believe and see the possibilities your future holds. They inspire you to not only believe but to act as well. Today I’d like to introduce you to three speakers that do that for me.

Lisa Nichols
She says she wants to disrupt your thinking and boy does she! She doesn’t just motivate you, she touches your soul. I watched a video on YouTube entitled ‘How to live with purpose and inspire others every day’. At first I thought ok she can talk but there was nothing really standing out and then I’m not even sure when it happened but next thing I knew I was bawling my eyes out. It was as though she suddenly started talking to ME. To a part of me I didn’t even know existed. It was as though she went into my mind, my heart and my soul and just had her way with them. I felt God talking to me through her. That woman has a gift! In her words “I want to stir your soul, disrupt your thinking” and she does exactly that and more.

Les Brown
Reading his story is inspirational in and of itself, however hearing him tell that story will make you believe anything is possible. I’m not going to go into it because I want you to hear it from him like I did, with the hope that he will talk to a part of you that is ready to listen. He’ll take you through it and you’ll feel like you’re there with him. He made me appreciate the impact you can make on people or even just one person. You might talk to thousands but as long as you reach even just one person, that is more than enough.

Tony Robbins
He is one speaker that really gets to you and you know there’s no forgetting him. He’ll use practical examples and suggestions of what you can do, and even go so far as give you words to use. He’ll shout at you, tell you some truths you don’t want to face or downright seem to be insulting you and you’ll find yourself asking for more. He’ll tell you to jump and you’ll ask how high.

Who are the speakers that inspire you, that give you goose bumps? Feel free to share so I can check them out and be inspired.


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