The woman in the mirror by Sibhekinkosi Masiyandima


My game changing strategy is to start by changing the man in the mirror before attempting to change those close to me or changing the world. I was a beggar begging for everything from my husband, thinking that he owes me. If he failed to provide I would then beg from friends and relatives as if the world owed me something.

I always dreamt of owning a beautiful house, a fancy car, employees etc.  I wished to be a billionaire. Yet I kept folding my hands, having a little sleep. I was living in this fantasy world in my head.

Back to reality I had nothing at all. That is, until I met my cousin who did success coaching as a hobby. She helped me find my purpose in life which made me realise the open doors ahead of me. From then on my motto is “Backward never, forward forever.”  It’s now easier for me to focus on the future and to work hard to achieve my purpose on earth.

I now own and run a successful business called Alvaroh Pvt Ltd which manufactures protective clothing, school wear and bags. The company is registered in my name, making me an owner. If you don’t own something, someone can take it away from you. I am now on a happy journey towards my success.

I also discovered that I am gifted in raising kid entrepreneurs so l am in the process of writing a paper on how to raise kid entrepreneurs. One other thing I love is to empower other women especially on balancing successful businesses and family.

I thank God for saving me from a pit of poverty.

Sibhekinkosi Masiyandima is a wife with 2 sons. She is also an entrepreneur who is the Founder of Alvaroh Pvt Ltd. Additionally she is a Family relationships consultant. You can contact her through email: or through Facebook and Instargam: Sibhekinkosi Sigola.


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