7 Podcasts to listen to or watch whilst pursuing your dreams


Have you ever read or watched people talk about “10 habits of successful people” or “How to become a millionaire” and those people aren’t those things they talk about? What I prefer is to hear from the horse’s mouth. I want to hear from that millionaire or billionaire or that person who has achieved great success in what they do. I have found podcast interviews quench that thirst for me.

I love technology and the global village that we now live in. As a thirty something year old, female, African who currently lives in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, I get to hear from and learn from a sixty something year old, male, American billionaire businessman and philanthropist like Richard Branson. This is someone I could not dream of having access to but through podcasts I get to sit at home and through the interviewer, learn from people like him, ask them questions and find out how they got where they are.

If you find the right interviewer, they’ll ask questions I’ve always wanted to find the answers to and sometimes they’ll ask questions I didn’t even know I needed the answer to. Yes, I read their books but there’s just something different about podcasts, that feeling that I’m sitting next to them and they’re telling me personally all the wisdom they’ve gained along the way.

The ones listed here is a subjective list of the ones I love, according to my interests. For example if you’re interested in investing you might want to watch, listen to or read the Ray Dalio interview by Tim Ferriss or one of the Ramit Sethi interviews by Tim Ferriss. My interests are

* Dream pursuit
* Entrepreneurship
* Success pursuit
* Creativity
* Life lessons

I could give you reasons why I like each podcast or what sets them apart for me but I’d like their work to speak for themselves. For each one, I’ve put one episode that I loved, that touched me in some way or that turned their podcasts into my favorites. Here they are:

  1. The Tim Ferriss Show

2. The Ed Mylett Show


3. The Passionate Few – Omar Elattar


4. The Marie Forleo Podcast


5. Impact Theory – Tom Bilyeu


6. The School of Greatness – Lewis Howes


7. On Purpose with Jay Shetty

I hope you learn from these the way I’ve been doing. What podcasts do you listen to or watch?


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