When your dream tests your resolve


When you now know what you’re passionate about or know what your purpose on this earth is or know what your dreams are, you have to be willing to pursue that no matter what. Life will come at you with all it’s got and you have to be willing to put up a fight. To quote Dylan Thomas, you can’t “go gentle into that good night,” you have to “rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

That may mean suffering or going through things that you’d rather not. It may mean not having money or not making as much money as you would like. It may mean losing friends or family who don’t believe in your dream or your vision. It may mean living in conditions you’d rather not, knowing better is coming.

It’s as though once you know what you’re supposed to do, life decides okay, let’s test him/her/them. Let’s see what they can take before they give up. Let’s see what they’re made of. When that happens, you have to be willing to stay in the arena no matter what.

I’ve realized that you have to be willing to suffer for your dream. I don’t mean your dream makes you suffer, no, your dream should make you feel good. Your circumstances as a result of your dream or as you pursue your dream may make you suffer. That’s what you have to be willing to go through without giving up. Your dream will more often than not, test your resolve. Trust me, I know.

If you’ve read my work or follow me, you’ll know I’m not on the other side yet, I share experiences as I go through them. I’m the “in the process” kind of person but I know without a doubt there’s an “other side.” Here are some examples of people who have gone through what I’m talking about and gotten to the other side.

1. Steve Harvey
When he discovered what he was meant to do, he quit his job the next day. That decision led to a series of events he would have preferred to avoid but he was able to withstand them all because he knew it was what he was meant to do. He ended up being homeless for 3 years, living in his car, among other things. But look where he is now.

2. Tyler Perry
When he knew what he wanted to do, he started with doing a play. The first few years he lost more money than he made. That didn’t stop him. People said he wasn’t good enough. He didn’t let that deter him. Now he’s produced so many series and movies and now owns one of the biggest studios in the USA.

Both these men would not have achieved success had they let opposition win or had they allowed their circumstances to stop them from going after what they wanted. I’m sharing this because I want you to know there is an “other side.” I’m not there yet, but in case like me, in the pursuit of your dreams, you go through times where you wonder if it’s all worth it, I want you to know that yes it is. You will get to the other side, if you don’t give up. You will prevail and you will be better for it. Hang in there. You can do it.


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