What does the dreamer’s journey have to do with Ted Mosby?

This article was originally published in the January 2021 edition of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


I’ve been re-watching some episodes of the series “How I met your mother.” I found myself as a dreamer relating to the character of Ted Mosby in particular. If you haven’t watched the series, Ted is a hopeless romantic who after years and years of failed relationships whilst in search of “the one,” continues his search despite circumstances telling him chances are it’s never going to happen for him.

I found myself relating to Ted because as a big dreamer, my experiences aren’t too far from those of Ted. With every heartbreak or another false start or other painful moments, he keeps believing it will happen for him, as crazy as that might seem to outsiders. In the same way, in the pursuit of your dreams, things will happen that will break your heart, that will make you want to give up, that no sane person would keep going. If you’re a dreamer you know you have to keep going no matter how crazy it seems. Like Ted, you have to be willing to look crazy to those watching from afar.

With each disappointment or yet another thing not working out or things not going according to plan, like the hopeless romantic that is Ted Mosby, you have to try again. You may give yourself time to recover or grieve or whatever it is you need to do but you have to get yourself back out there. This you do, knowing you’re opening yourself up for another heartbreak but hoping this time around, you may have just found “the one.” Offering your heart to someone with the hope that they will handle it with care but knowing they might choose to trample on it instead and giving it to them anyway. What if she cheats on you? What if he gets tired of you? What if they’re using you? Asking these questions and still offering them your heart. As a dreamer that’s your journey too.

What if things don’t work out? What if I believe and it doesn’t happen? What if I start and it doesn’t work out? What if I fail? All these things might not happen and then again they may all happen. It could be through someone else’s fault, your fault or due to circumstances beyond your control. Your partner might leave just when you need them the most, you might self-sabotage at a crucial moment or something you didn’t anticipate like COVID-19 happens and derails all your plans. The cause may be different but you find yourself back where you started. Are you going to give up or “Ted” it out?

For my part I’ll tell you this, it’s not easy. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be better if I didn’t dream as big as I do and if I didn’t believe so much. Would I undergo less disappointment? Most probably. But I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t keep dreaming, believing and acting in pursuit of those dreams, no matter how much I get knocked down. I’m choosing to be Ted Mosby. I’m choosing to keep putting my heart out there, knowing it might be trampled on but hoping against all odds that this time around, it will be handled with care. So why share all this? I guess to admit that dream pursuit is not easy. I love it but it takes a lot out of you. But, but, but, it will all be worth it. There is light at the end of that tunnel.


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