What 3 things do you desire more than anything right now?

Do they require money?


I was recently reminded of something I wrote on one of the notes on my phone. This was sometime last year. I wrote down 3 things I desired more than anything then, and still do right now. After I was done, I came to the conclusion that all 3 required money. Although none of the things can be assigned a specific monetary value, they each required having money to gain them. It made me think of a quote by Wallace D. Wattles from his book The science of getting rich “Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.”

Depending on how you look at money, that thought might seem crazy, harsh or far-fetched. I agree with it 100%. Here’s why, those 3 things I wrote down, let me share 2 of them so you see how although I can’t place a specific monetary value on them, they cost money.

  1. Convenience

I’m the type of person that would pay more for convenience than anything. I would rather pay to avoid doing things that inconvenience me than buy new clothes or something like that, if I could only choose one. For example, having my place cleaned often by a company or someone that isn’t me. My laundry being done for me. My meals being made for me. Having a driver who takes me around so I can do other stuff in the car. If I had the money, instead of going on 3 budget vacations in a year, I’d rather go on one and stay in luxurious accommodations and fly a better class. At least I intend to do this when the money starts rolling in.

2. Carte blanche

I could have just said freedom but the other 2 started with the letter C and I couldn’t resist calling my list “The 3 Cs of Sibo’s Current Desires.” Anyhow, I chose this because I want to have complete freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want to. Freedom of choice. Financial freedom that allows me to buy anything I want and pay for experiences I want and to do things for people I choose to do things for.

Now that I’ve shared some of the things that I look forward to, what 3 things do you desire more than anything right now? Do they require money? If they do in one way or another require money, then the last post on 5 books to read on making money, saving and investing, might prove useful to you.


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