Unexpected nomination for a Young Women in Business Award


I’ve promised updates whenever something happens so we can encourage each other and know that God really is cool like that.

I’ve been nominated for the Intombie YWIB Awards under the ‘Women In Law Award’ category. It was an unexpected surprise and I’m so excited. I always used to wonder about people who say things like “I’m just happy to be nominated.” I used to think “Really? You haven’t even won yet” and here I am saying it, I’m just excited to be nominated! Obviously I hope I’ll win but just the nomination feels really great I’ll tell you.

I can really see God at work in my life! If you believe, anything is indeed possible. I can’t wait to see what’s next on this road of following my dreams and living a passion filled life. If you’re not yet on this road, hop on, let’s do this. It’s a long road. One with bumps along the way. Join me anyway and watch your life change for the better.

Are exciting things happening in your life? Please do share.


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