The truth about poverty and the mind by Nomalanga Ncube


I am many things, but the one thing I am passionate about is being a success coach. I coach women to be successful in their area of passion and purpose. I emphasise that while on their business success journey, they must also pay attention to 5 key success areas; Spirit, Body, Mind, People & Money so that they can have joy and peace. Today I will talk about the Mind. Poor people the world over, who make up 99% of the world population who share 1% of the world’s wealth are suffering from mismanagement of their minds. Bob Dylan in his song License to Kill put it nicely; “….his brain has been mismanaged with great skill, all he believes are his eyes and his eyes they just tell him lies…” That there is the true story of the origins of poverty via systematic mind mismanagement.

The world system is controlled by the 1% wealthy people of the world, who control 99% of the world’s wealth. This system is oppressively meant to keep the 99% poor as consumers of what is produced by the 1%. The only way out of this mental slavery is the liberation of the mind.  Bob Marley in his song Redemption song put it like this; “…emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds…” Napoleon Hill in his book Outwitting the Devil says that mental slavery is engineered by several trusted institutions, that is schools, churches, parents, etc. These all socialise children of the poor to be consumers and employees. They are taught to do well in school and get a good job working for the 1% producers. There are a few children who dare to ask “who decides who should be an employer?” and it is those who grow up, escape poverty and join the 1% producers and employers.

It is however not easy to break away from the 99% poverty mindset. There is opposition from the spiritual and the people. The spiritual in its true nature supports the prosperity of the children of God, but the lies hiding within the spiritual totally opposes the prospering of the children of God. Which is why a pastor who preaches prosperity is vilified by the church and the world. The people around a child who wants to join the 1% will vehemently discourage that child to a point of disowning them. For example, an African child with a football talent who says they want to be like Cristiano Ronaldo, will be asked a simple question “Who in your family has ever played football and made money?” The answer is nobody, because all who tried to move away from the consumer/employee circle were crushed in their tracks.

The first step in freeing your mind from slavery is to read the books that the 1% read. Read their biographies, listen to them. Success leaves a trail. The 99% poor know nothing about wealth. These days there is the internet. You can follow Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, Lionel Messi, Philip Mataranyika, Divine Ndlukula, Danai Gurira, Peter Ndlovu and Sandra Ndebele. They succeeded against all odds and moved from the 99% to the 1%. If you do not know the last five on the list, Google them. It will be a step towards moving out of the 99% poor to join the 1% wealthy. There is nothing blessed about being poor. It is a curse. Shake it off!!

Nomalanga Ncube is an entrepreneur, founder and Managing Director of Working Girl (Pvt) Limited, the holding company for WG Guest Villas and WG Catering. She is the founder of WG Foundation an NGO that helps young women start their own successful businesses. She is a success coach and business consultant. She also runs a blog called Success Talk with Noma. You can contact her through:

Twitter – @nomancube2011
You tube – Success Talk with Noma TV
Facebook – Nomalanga Ncube
Instagram – successtalkwithnoma



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