Setting quarterly or monthly goals


In the process of pursuing my dreams, I set quarterly goals. In so doing, I make them things that I can do right now and things that are achievable. I already have a grand vision for my life, one that I have no idea how it’s going to happen. Where my vision is concerned, I dream big. Having done so, I dream much bigger than I dreamed before. I even have a list of what I call “my crazy, crazy dreams.” When it comes to my quarterly planner though, I make sure it’s things that I am able to do currently. Depending on what works for you, this could be a monthly or weekly planner instead of a quarterly one.

As I live in a space of pursuing success and going for what I want in life, I’ve set a criteria that if I follow these 3 things then I’m on the right track.

  1. Creating something
  2. Learning something
  3. Sharing something

I’ve found that I find fulfillment when I’m creating, learning and sharing. I don’t know what will work for you but I believe it’s something worth taking time to figure out for yourself. What satisfies you that will allow you to feel like you have been productive at any given time?

Using the above criteria, I set my quarterly goals. It’s up to you how you do yours. Let me share what my success pursuit planner for the next quarter looks like:

April – June 2020 Quarterly Planner


  1. Write at least 6 posts for Inspiration by Sibo
  2. Write at least 6 posts for Hosea Women International
  3. Work on the book I’m currently writing


  1. Learn to speak, read and write Spanish – 6 months
  2. Continue watching/listening to different educational podcasts
  3. Read The Master Key System book as the course it was intended to be and do all the exercises. One chapter per week of 24 chapters – 6 months


  1. My blog – Inspiration by Sibo
  2. Online women’s ministry – Hosea Women International
  3. The talks I give as a motivational speaker

That’s what my planner for the next quarter looks like. I started this process last year and every quarter that I’ve done it, I’ve achieved everything I’ve set out to do. In some cases exceeded it. This gives me the opportunity to see that I can set out to do things and achieve them. I get to celebrate my current achievements instead of waiting until I accomplish some great thing. That may take years and realizing that, I do what I can now and build up my confidence to do more in the future. Each quarter’s achievements may appear small individually but over time, combined they will all pay off.

In the pursuit of your dreams and success, how can you break down the things you want to achieve? Do you have a quarterly or monthly planner?


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