Personal development books that will change your life


Until I started following my dreams a few years ago, I was not a happy camper. I was unfulfilled with my life. I had let my life stagnate with no improvement. I was throwing my life away in a life of partying, drinking a lot, among other things. Everything changed when the way I saw the world changed, when my attitude changed and I started to dream big and work towards making those dreams a reality. I started on a personal development journey that continues to this day. It all started with reading.

In case you want to start on this dream pursuit and personal development journey and have no idea where to begin, I’ve found one way to learn, unlearn things and grow is through books. Different books have played a major role and continue to play a part in my growth and development as an individual. For anyone wanting to embark on this journey, I’ve listed 18 books that I believe can shift your mind-set and get you started on this personal development and growth journey. I call them “starter-pack books.” They are books that if you are ready to change your life, to work on your growth and development, will get you started on the right path.

I would say begin with one that speaks to you or you could just pick one randomly, it doesn’t really matter because any one of these could help jump-start your transformation and change the trajectory of your life. About half of these books are now in the public domain because they are over 50 years old, so you can find them online for free. The rest you can buy because you have to be willing to invest in yourself. Here they are, in no particular order:

Personal development starter-pack books: 

  1. The science of getting rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  2. You were born rich by Bob Proctor
  3. The game of life and how to play it by Florence Scovel Shinn
  4. As a man thinketh by James Allen
  5. The success principles by Jack Canfield
  6. Your best life now by Joel Osteen
  7. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill
  8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  9. Awaken the giant within by Anthony Robbins
  10. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey
  11. The master key system by Charles F. Haanel
  12. The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma
  13. Creative visualization by Shakti Gawain
  14. The secret by Rhonda Byrne
  15. The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
  16. The magic of thinking big by David Joseph Schwartz
  17. The magic of believing by Claude M. Bristol
  18. Key to yourself by Venice J. Bloodworth.

Happy reading and remember, you hold the power to change your life and your best life awaits you.


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