“Listening with your eyes” – my new book is available on Amazon


My book Listening with your eyes is available on Amazon.

Book Synopsis

Do you believe that God speaks to people today the way He did Moses, David, Jeremiah and many others in the Bible? Well, He does. In Listening with your eyes, Sibo Hlabangana explores how God speaks to us, through sharing personal experiences and using biblical references whilst doing so. In addition to that you will find insights on having a relationship with God, pursuing God, keeping track of God’s promises and holding on to faith when circumstances contradict what you hope for. You will find it easy to relate to the writing because Sibo is someone who is on a journey of learning and discovering more about God and His character and loves sharing as she learns. There’s no perfection here, just another child of God, sharing what she wishes she had known when she thought that she was too damaged for God to ever love her.

Feel free to go grab a copy on Amazon using the this link: Listening with your eyes.

This is the link to all my books: Sibo Hlabangana’s Books.


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