Is your character success ready?

This article was originally published in the November 2020 Issue of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


The other day I had lunch with a certain lady who was full of herself. She was proud, she did not allow me to speak much, she talked at me, she knew everything. She was rude to the waiters, she complained about her food and the service. During the lunch she complained about everything and everyone in her life. She blamed all of her problems on others. I must say that all I could think was “this woman has a rotten character.” I wished not to see her again anytime soon. She was unhappy and wanted to change her life. This lady’s behaviour sounds familiar right, this is because this is you and me.

We all have some rottenness in our characters that we must deal with so that we reach the next level of success in our lives. We cannot access new blessings with our current characters. We have to make a conscious decision to change our rotten characters to become more like the Christ inside of us. I often find myself doing things that are not of the character of Christ but of the character of the devil. For example, the lady who works for me at the house suddenly developed a stinking attitude. I responded by developing an even more stinking attitude. But that is not the character of the Christ that I claim is inside of me. If I am choosing to be that way then Christ is not inside of me but something else is inside of me that wants to return evil for evil.

Success is attracted, it is not sought. I know I have to become a different person to access the next level of my success journey. I must put off the old self. The law of attractions says that like attracts like, you do not attract what you want but you attract what you are.

Success is a positive phenomenon and is therefore controlled by positivity from the kingdom of light. For success to come your way, you must exude fruits of the kingdom of light which are what is written in the Bible as the fruits of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.) If you do not have these fruits you have the opposite fruits of the kingdom of darkness and what you will attract is destruction. Destruction will seek you because of what is in your heart, because like attracts like.

I am working towards a new level of my life, and that new level I know must be driven by Love. The Christ that I claim is inside of me must be seen in my actions and activities. Otherwise I am a fake and I will attract fake things.

Nomalanga Ncube is an entrepreneur, founder and Managing Director of Working Girl (Pvt) Limited, the holding company for WG Guest Villas and WG Catering. She is the founder of WG Foundation an NGO that helps young women start their own successful businesses. She is a success coach and business consultant. She also runs a blog called Success Talk with Noma. You can contact her through:

Twitter – @nomancube2011
You tube – Success Talk with Noma TV
Facebook – Nomalanga Ncube
Instagram – successtalkwithnoma


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