Introducing her Royal Highness Ohemaa, the Ghanaian Queen – An interview with Priscilla P. Annor

This article was originally published in the August 2021 edition of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


In each issue of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine, we celebrate individuals that dream big, pursue their dreams and are pursuing success on their own terms. I’d like us to learn from them, to see how like us they are or how they differ from us. For us to see what we can do differently or continue to do to pursue our own dreams and success. This month we get to journey through the adventurous life of Priscilla P. Annor.

I came across Priscilla’s blog “Adventures of Ohemaa” online when I was looking to see if there were any crazy dreamers like me who had made a list of 300 things that they want in life, as suggested by Steve Harvey in one of his motivational videos. As I went through her list and further explored her blog, I thought to myself “I’ve found a Ghanaian version of myself!” Most of the things on her list are on mine. She’s the reason I’ve added Ghana to my list of places to visit because I can’t wait to meet her in person. She is a big dreamer, not just a dreamer but one who goes after her dreams and achieves the things she sets out to do. She is living proof that dreams do come true if you dream big and pursue those dreams. She has lived and worked in different countries across Africa and Europe and looks set to take over the world. I for one am excited to watch her story continue to unfold. I believe you’re going to love her and enjoy learning from her as she shares how she approaches life.

Where are you from and where do you currently live? If not your country, how did you end up in the country you’re living in?

I am a Ghanaian living in Accra, the capital town. In fact, I just relocated, I haven’t even been home for a month (giggles) but apart from Accra Ghana I have lived and worked in France, Spain and the Czech Republic.

Tell us about your childhood. What was life like for you growing up?

My family was very fortunate to be financially independent. I had a great childhood filled with love and all other nice things and I am grateful for that. As the daughter of a retired teacher and pastor, my childhood might sound boring. I was either studying in my room or in church. My vacations were also spent in the community library, school vacation classes or church conventions so I was good. As a child I didn’t like all this because I rarely got the time to play. My parents were also strict so I never got the freedom to go out with the neighbours/friends or visited them. One of my fondest childhood memories is the genuine love I enjoyed in the family and the intentional parenting we received. I always pray and thank God for my family.

Growing up, did you imagine you would do the things you’ve been able to do in your life?

Growing up, I was already obsessed with fantasies. I thought of being multiple things. I would close my eyes and imagine myself as the queen or first lady, an inventor, a UN staff member, an entrepreneur, an author, a flight attendant, an archaeologist, a wealthy housewife, a world traveller etc. All that but I never thought I would travel to Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia on a work trip to participate in the Africa Regional Conference on Population and Development or to Pretoria, South Africa to organise the 7th Africa Population Conference which was attended by 800+ ministers, senior officials as well as relevant agencies of the United Nations. I never for a moment ever imagined myself living and working in France, the Czech Republic or Spain. Overall life turned out to be great and I am enjoying it. I am still interested to see what more life has in store for me.

So far, what are you most proud of achieving in your life?

I am proud that in my life I have found my purpose and what I am passionate about which is to make a difference in the world by helping people and inspiring people to enjoy life to the fullest. I love charity work and have over the past six years been providing support to orphans, the blind and other vulnerable individuals in the society through Tatas and Friends Foundation and other charitable organisations. During the pandemic, I transferred money to relatives and friends. I didn’t think of it as huge but when they called and narrated how the money came at a time they were really in need or how the money helped them in solving a problem, I was happy. I feel great about having the opportunity to deposit assistance and gifts in the life of another person.

What are you currently working on?

I quit my job in Europe and relocated home so I am looking into new opportunities with government and international organisations in Ghana. At the moment, I keep myself busy building Android mobile applications on Google Play. I sell handwoven African Kente cloths and I have started a packing and moving company, KAAK Movers Ghana.

What did you do before what you’re doing now?

I was working as a Senior Process Executive (Bilingual) where I served as a point of contact for software applications, troubleshooting resolutions and escalations. I also managed customers’ feedback, assisted in global quality reporting and also helped in employees’ on boarding and off boarding/separation processes. After working for almost 2 years in this position, I made the decision to resign and follow my heart. Today, I am back home and reconnected with my family, building mobile applications and looking forward to contribute to the development of my country Ghana.

What made you decide to start Adventures of Ohemaa? How did you come up with the idea and why that in particular?

Adventures of Ohemaa actually started when I lost my job unexpectedly in a foreign country. I was however fortunate to secure a job within a week but because of the country’s change of employer documentation processes and paperwork, I had to stay home jobless for almost three months. I am not really a blogger; I didn’t even consider myself to be a writer but I had always wanted to start a blog. I hate being idle so it was during this dark period of my life at home that I decided to start blogging and share my experiences, my passion and dreams with the world with the hopes of helping and also inspiring people to enjoy life, achieve their dreams and be better at being who they are. I started with a post, people engaged and related well to it so that encouraged me to continue.

What do you enjoy about what you do?

I love that I get to learn new things daily. Creating an app seems extremely complicated but it gets better and the fun part is you only need a phone, a laptop and an internet connection to build apps.

What challenges do you face in what you do?

Self-doubt. Quite frankly, it sometimes gets complex that you begin to believe you don’t have the skills and capacity to build. When those voices come, I don’t dwell on it, I just pause, breathe in and research on the way forward.

How has COVID-19 affected what you do and what have you learned as a result?

Honestly, COVID-19 didn’t really affect me much and I am extremely grateful to God for that. I never stopped working. I worked from home throughout the pandemic until I decided to resign. I wrote about it on my blog: I will say COVID-19 affected only my travel plans. I had planned to explore at least 5 new countries in 2020 but I was able to do only two countries: Budapest and Greece, I also wrote about that on my blog: It also triggered my decision to relocate home and be with my family. I remember when I announced this to the family. They were elated, they had been encouraging me to relocate for over 2 years. My flight got cancelled due to the COVID situation (I am still waiting for my refund from the airline) but luckily, I was able to purchase a new ticket with KLM.

If someone wanted to start the journey of pursuing their dreams, what insights would you give them?

Firstly, dream vividly and whatever dream it is don’t stop there, take it a step further by writing it down and then following it up with a clear-cut plan to make it happen. I believe the planning part is the missing link to why so many people give up on their dreams. You don’t have to have it all figured out or wait for approval. Not everyone will understand your dreams. You just need to focus on your dreams, believe in yourself, remain positive and make your dreams happen! Research and read a lot. Take courses if you have to, learn from people with similar dreams, be focused, believe in yourself and most importantly, don’t give up on your dreams. I am 100% rooting for you!

Do you have dreams, goals or a vision for your life?

Oh yes, I do. I cannot even imagine not having a dream, goal or vision, it’s very dangerous. It is like a journey without a destination, you head nowhere. Same way, if you do not know what you want in your life, you will just live anyhow and waste your life. I believe everyone should have dreams, goals or a vision in life. This gives life a purpose, direction and meaning. It shapes your life choices. I have BIG dreams (smiles.) You should check my blog for the list of goals that I am committed to achieving before I leave this beautiful earth. My ultimate goal is to enjoy life every single day to the fullest and be the best I can be, so I am always inspired to work towards this.

Have you recorded the above in any way? If yes, how?

I have it everywhere. I have some on my blog and in my journal. I have them as a wallpaper on my laptop, phone and iPad. I have them on a vision board in my room and I also have it written on my Notion app on my phone which is convenient as I am able to easily edit and update as and when needed.

Have any of your dreams or goals come true or been achieved?

Yes, definitely yes, a lot but there are still more to be achieved. I had always dreamed of having deep and meaningful relationships, a master’s degree, work with international businesses and organisations, studying abroad, traveling to new places, visiting a castle, learning new languages, working in foreign countries, walking on frozen lake etc and thanks be to God all this has been realised. There are still more dreams to achieve and experience.

What drives you in life? What keeps you going?

I am driven by the desire to enjoy life to the fullest, to be the best at what I do and also make the world a better place by helping others. Many times, I think of ways that I can improve myself, enjoy life or put a smile on someone’s face. There is so much to learn and experience here on earth.

What does success look like for you?

Success is being able to turn my dreams and vision into reality. I am fascinated by the future and excited just by thinking about what might happen next.

Have you ever failed at something or been disappointed after not being chosen for something? If yes, what happened and how did you handle the situation?

Absolutely, but I have learned over the years to look at failures or rejections differently. Actually, many of my greatest blessings have come out of what I perceived as failures, disappointments or rejections. I remember failing in my French exams in my first year at university. I had never failed woefully in an exam before so I was frustrated and desperate to abandon French to save my GPA in school. I was fortunate to have my supportive parents who advised me not to just give up but to try again and put in more effort. I invested in French books, CD’s, listened to RFI, joined French clubs, reached out to people who were better than me and invested more time in studying. Gradually, I became better and performed wonderfully in all my exams. I got my first job right after university thanks to my French and all my traveling began from the strong desire to travel to France to improve on my French.

Years ago when I got laid off by my job without any reason, I felt my life had collapsed around me. I was less than 2 months in a new country without any real friends and jobless all of a sudden. I was hurt and felt betrayed but I purposely decided not to focus on the “whys” and focus on “what next.” That very evening, I went out with colleagues to have fun and did the same the following day. Being at home gave me the chance to write my experiences and ideas which birthed my blog, I travelled to new places I may never have done, deepened friendships and of course I secured a job with better conditions where I used French, developed and explored more skills.

There’s always a good in the bad. Many times, when we face failures or rejection, we personalize it. I do believe failing is always for a purpose. It never means we are not good enough but simply means there is something more to be learned or another direction to be taken and ultimately to make life better. I was one of the Top 7 excellent workers so when my contract got terminated it came as a surprise to all. Personally, I had a strong belief that as usual, I was being protected and being redirected. If you find yourself experiencing failure, disappointment or rejection, quit focusing on the loss and start focusing on what you can become. Train your mind to always look for the blessings in everything. And to be completely honest, I am grateful for things not working out the way I once hoped they would. Steve Maraboli puts it best “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.”

What places have you travelled to or lived? (Countries or cities)

I’ve travelled both on work trips and personally to many cities in different countries. I don’t think I could name all the cities so I will go with the countries. I have been to Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Dubai, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ivory Coast, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Togo, United Kingdom, and transited in Egypt, Libya, Portugal.

What did you love about the places you’ve travelled to or lived?

Every country I have visited has its own beauty, its own culture, unique stories and iconic sites with historical meanings. Exploring and learning about the history, food, music, dance, fashion, experiencing life in a new place, trying new things and meeting new people is what I love most about the places I have travelled to or lived. Living in Spain gave me a new perspective on life: to take things slowly, pay attention to details, live in the moment and enjoy every day to the fullest. Oh the food! I love traveling to different gourmet destinations to have a taste of their food varieties. I love Hungarian goulash, Greek salad, Paella from Spain, Ethiopian Injera, Czech Republic beer etc. There are so many hidden gems in the world and discovering each of them makes life more exciting. I love getting to travel and I am grateful to be able to do that.

What have you learned from your travel experiences?

I am naturally a curious person, eager to learn and love to have fun, and traveling combines these perfectly. I must confess that traveling opened my eyes to things I had never even dreamed of. I got closer to people of a different sexual orientation than me, smokers, atheists, danced with Latinos, drunk with the Czechs etc. I’ve challenged stereotypes and judgments about people and places. I met and became friends with people from Austria, Columbia, Italy, Germany, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia, Mexico, Tunisia, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, South Africa, Syria etc. This has exposed me to different cultures, religions, viewpoints, sexual orientations, which has taught me to respect, tolerate and be open to people that are different from me.

I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone and dared to be more adventurous (walking on a frozen lake, canopy, cable car etc.) Traveling has literally revolutionised my life. I’ve been extremely blessed to have the time, health and resources to travel and now that I’ve had a taste, it’s piqued my curiosity about what more is out there? Counting down the days until my next travel.

What has been your most enriching travel experience and why?

In 2018, I got an internship opportunity in Barcelona which gave me a rich opportunity to learn more about the many different ways of living. The Spanish are friendly and know how to enjoy themselves so a genuine welcome is guaranteed. I met incredible people, both travellers and locals, who taught me so much in so many different ways. Spain is a beautiful country with lots of beautiful beaches and sightseeing. Although Barcelona can be a hectic city, I love that the locals do not let themselves be rushed or stressed like the French. I love how they take the time to enjoy living. The city has incredible views from any angle with magnificent architectural buildings and details.

You will be blown away by the richness of detail of the Sagrada Familia. It’s a feast for the eyes! A walk through the Passeig de Gràcia also feels like being on a filmset. There are lots of luxury shops, beautiful works of Gaudi like the Casa Batlló, Casa Mila “La Pedrera” and other modernist buildings. I relished going to the beaches especially at night to swim and watch the sunsets. Spain holds so many special memories for me. I recommend night swimming in Barceloneta, a summer trip to Ibiza or Christmas lightings in Málaga and of course the delicious paella food. It was an enriching experience living in Spain.

Are you in any way or form taking care of or feeding your mind, spirit, body and soul? If yes, how are you doing that?

Absolutely! At home we gather every morning at 5:30am for our family devotion where we pray, sing praises, discuss the word of God and recite affirmations together. This has helped in building my spiritual life and my confidence to live, to thrive and to be. The mind is a powerful and extraordinary tool so I am very conscious of thinking and focusing only on the positives and what I want in my life daily. I love reading and watching inspirational and motivational materials. I smile and laugh a lot, life is too short to live grumpy or sad. I easily forgive and also let go.

Body wise, I am an intentional healthy living freak. Right after our family devotion, we do aerobics together as a family and sometimes go for at least 30 minutes morning walk. I drink lots of water, at least 2000ml a day. I am very careful of what I put into my body. I take lots of vegetables and fruits and rarely take sugary foods.

How do you show yourself love, if you do that? 

Oh, how I love myself! I call myself “Ohemaa” which means queen in the Ghanaian language so you can imagine how I live. I love to celebrate and pamper myself by getting the best things as much as I can. I love dressing up just to feel and look great, take pictures and videos and just admire. I love looking in the mirror and flattering myself. I save to travel and go to expensive places and pretend to be wealthy.

Do you have a morning routine? If yes, what does it look like?

I do have a morning routine which I passionately talked about on my blog. I arise with enthusiasm to greet the day with a family devotion at 5:30am. I exercise, drink a glass or two of lukewarm water with a half freshly squeezed lemon or sometimes diluted apple cider vinegar, listen to worship and inspirational music and then take my shower. The best part of my mornings is my breakfast. I never skip breakfast (usually tea or cereal, eggs and toast) unless I am fasting. I read, write in my gratitude journal, listen to any inspirational or motivational podcasts to start my day positively and start moving through my to-do-list for the day.

Do you have any people you consider role models?

Just Michelle Obama, she is smart, bold, graceful, effortlessly chic and leads by example.

What 3 books or podcasts have played a role in your personal development and growth?


  1. How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
  2. The purpose driven life. What on earth am I here for? – Rick Warren
  3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey


  1. Joel Osteen Daily Podcast
  2. Enjoying Everyday Life – Joyce Meyer
  3. Duolingo

For someone at the beginning of pursuing their dreams, what book would you suggest they start with?

I would suggest not only reading “Woman, Act now” by Anna McCoy, but also following and practising the tasks included in the book.

If you were to be well known for something, what would you want it to be? Or how would you want to be remembered at the end of your life?

Simply as someone who wholeheartedly served humanity, inspired people to enjoy life and be a better version of themselves.

What life lessons or thoughts would you like to leave the reader with?

Personally, I have adopted 4G’s which is God, Goals, Gratitude and Giving.

  1. First of all, readers must know that it all starts with God. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not so commit yourself and everything totally to Him and good success will follow you.
  2. Goals: Set clear goals that matter to you. Be specific and explicit about what you want and why. You should be passionate enough to want it and believe. Readers can read more about goals on my blog.
  3. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude is a key to living a happy life. It should be the first activity when you open your eyes in the morning and the last activity when you close them at night. A heart of gratitude leaves no room for complaining. I talked extensively about gratitude on my blog.
  4. Give: Giving is a life hack/investment. Give more to others than is required of you. Giving should be your lifestyle. If you want your dreams to come to pass, help somebody else’s dream come to pass. Give, and you will receive, it’s that simple!

How can readers support you or your work if they would like to do that?

Please subscribe to my blog, follow and engage with me on all my social media accounts which can also be found on my website. Readers can download my mobile applications on the Google Play store for free: Readers can follow my business pages and patronize my works. I sell authentic handwoven Kente cloths (Ronna Kente House,) and also offer a wide range of packing and moving services in Ghana (KAAK Movers Ghana.)

How can people access you or your business or follow you?

Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel – Ohemaa Emscil.      Instagram, Twitter: o_emscil

Follow me on Facebook: Ohemaa Priscy

Blog – Adventures of Ohemaa. Visit my website

Facebook Business Pages: 1. Ronna Kente House and 2. KAAK Movers Ghana.


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