Have you lived out some of your childhood dreams?


I’ve seen The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on many lists of ‘books you have to read before you die.’ I don’t know why I hadn’t read it up to now. I put it on my phone under ‘books to read.’ I finally read it and let me just say I didn’t know what I was missing out on. If you haven’t read it, I won’t spoil it for you but he wrote it after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He gave a lecture which turned into a book talking about fulfilling your childhood dreams and life in general. He wrote it in such a way that it gets you thinking about your life and your childhood dreams. It just made it to my current top 5 inspirational books.

Reading this book led to me asking myself if I had any childhood dreams. I know it’s assumed that everyone has or had childhood dreams. At least I assumed I did. I really had to go through my mind over and over but I can’t seem to find any childhood dreams I had or maybe I just don’t remember them. I remember being told you can do this or that but never something I wanted for myself. It could be I just don’t remember but I don’t think I had any. Did you? If you did, have any of them come true?

It’s probably the reason why I’m such a dreamer now. One of Randy Pausch’s messages is that you can live out your childhood dreams. I believe him. What I’ve realized is that you can also live out your adult dreams. I might not have had or don’t remember having childhood dreams but that hasn’t stopped me from dreaming now. It’s the dreams that I’m having now that are allowing me to see changes in my life. I know they’re all going to come true (some already have) and that excites me to no end. It makes me giddy inside. I feel like a child when I think of what my future holds. I’m dreaming big and yet what awaits me will be even bigger than what I’m dreaming.

It’s never too late to dream. The child in me is going crazy with her dreams because she never had the chance to do so growing up. My message to you today is this: Not only can you achieve your childhood dreams, you can dream new dreams. Anything is possible. If you aren’t already doing so, start dreaming, and when you do, don’t limit yourself, dream big.


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