Example of a vision letter


Dr Joe Dispenza says “If you believe that your thoughts determine your destiny, you have to decide, are you going to be defined by a vision of the future or are you going to live by the memories of the past?” When he said this during an interview by Ed Mylett, it somewhat validated my obsession with having a vision for my life that makes me want to wake up in the morning.

At the beginning of 2020 I wrote an article discussing a vision letter. I covered what it was, how to write one and why it’s important to write one in the first place. I also gave 21 questions to choose from when writing your own vision letter. You can check out that post here. After briefly explaining what a vision letter is, what I’d like to do in this case is give an example of a vision letter I wrote using those questions as guidance. I chose the questions I wanted to answer, answered them and then structured my letter the way that suited me.

A vision letter is a future dated letter that you write to someone or yourself describing your life in the year that you’ve dated it. It could be 5 years from now, 10 years from now or however long you want to future date the letter. The whole idea is to dream big on the letter with the hope that when the year you’ve chosen comes, what you described in the letter will be your life. In the letter you can include things such as where you live, who you live with, what you do for work, what you do for fun, your health, your finances and anything else you choose. Remember to be as descriptive as possible. As I said earlier, I’ve written 21 possible questions for you to answer that you can look at should you decide to write your own vision letter.

Here is a vision letter I wrote and dated 7 years from now:

Date: May 7, 2029

My dearest M,

I know with all the technology available today, it probably seems weird that I’m writing you a letter. I hope you’re doing great. I’m so excited to see you’ve achieved everything you dreamed to have achieved by this point in your life. All those things you wrote down and also put on your vision boards have come true. Much more than that actually. I couldn’t be happier for you. You’re such an inspiration to people all over the world, including me. I know how much it all means to you since you shared some of your dreams with me back then.

Seeing you with your amazing hubby and your wonderful kids puts a huge smile on my face. I still can’t believe you’re now Dr M!!! You did it! You finished your PhD! I am super proud of you because I know how hard you worked for it. I’m even more proud when I see the work you do empowering women and girls. When you started all those years ago there was no sign where it would lead but today I see you having a great impact. Whether it’s working with organisations such as the United Nations or being interviewed by the likes of Oprah Winfrey or managing your property development business, you do it all with such grace and finesse. You make it all look easy. I can’t wait to hear from your response to my letter exactly what you’re currently working on and excited about.

I remember telling you in 2022 that I wrote a vision letter to share on my blog and addressed it to you as I dreamed about my future. Now, I’m excited to report, it isn’t a dream anymore because everything I wrote in that vision letter has happened, and in some cases, better than I imagined it would. You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about, well let me tell you about what my life is like so you get an idea of what I mean.

Concerning my health and overall well-being, I am in great physical and mental health. I accept myself and love myself as I am at any given moment. I treat myself with so much care and kindness, especially on days where I think I’ve messed up. I show myself more love on those days. I am confident and self-secure. I know I am enough. I love my body. I am serene at all times, no matter what is going on around me. I truly have deep inner peace. I follow my morning and daily routine and prioritize my wellness.

I currently live in the USA with my husband, H. He is the love of my life. He is everything I ever dreamed of and more. He gets me in ways no one ever has. He has such a good heart. He’s very supportive of what I do and pushes me forward because he wants me to succeed and I do the same for him. He doesn’t care what other people think and lives his life that way. I love that he does what he says he will do. He’s lived and made mistakes and is non-judgmental as a result. We have fun together. We are best friends. We’ve been married for a year now. We don’t have children together yet because we decided to wait at least 3 years after marriage before kids. We plan on adopting.

We have 2 homes, one in Malibu, California and the other in my husband’s hometown. We live in our main home in Malibu. It’s a beautiful beachfront property. Our second home is in my husband’s hometown. It’s a beautiful mansion in a safe upmarket neighbourhood and it is well secured.

Although I am involved in and working on a lot of things, my wellness and my life with my husband come first. I’ve structured my life in such a way that my work revolves around my family life and my wellness, not the other way round.

Having said that, I’ve achieved so much in the last 7 years! Some of the things I never even imagined! I am a bestselling author whose books have sold over 50 million copies worldwide. My latest book, which I co-authored with my husband, has already sold over 10 million copies. Can you believe it?

I am a talk show host of a dream pursuit talk show/podcast that is watched and listened to worldwide. I’ve interviewed the likes of Daymond John, Serena Williams, Charmaine Bingwa, Black Coffee, Vusi Thembekwayo, Najwa Zebian, Makhadzi, Kate Reid (Lune founder,) Trevor Noah, Garrain Jones, Arianna Huffington, Alicia Keys and many others.

I am a transformational speaker who gets invited to speak at different events and functions, I get to pick and choose which ones because my time is valuable and my fees reflect that. I am also a professional dancer. A couple of years ago I started dancing and have been fortunate to dance at notable events and places, such as the Grammys, Coachella, and a music video of an international music artist that now has billions of views on YouTube.

In my work, I leave people I encounter feeling hopeful and having faith. I am known as a woman of faith. People recognise me as the woman who wrote her life into being. It inspires them to dream for more in their own lives. Through my work, I also expose people to what is possible for their lives beyond their current environment and their past. I am also a peacemaker who not only gets called in during conflict situations but takes part in bringing about healing in the world. I support and advocate for different causes that are close to my heart. In my work, I am fortunate to have an amazing team who work with me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my team so I value them greatly.

I have been featured in many publications, including, Time Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Success Magazine, among others. In addition to that I’ve been interviewed by the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Tim Ferriss, Jay Shetty, Trevor Noah, Ed Mylett, Tom Bilyeu, Lewis Howes and Stephanie Ike, among others. I am financially thriving, with different investments and numerous sources of income. I currently have a net worth of 250 million US Dollars and it keeps going up daily.

As a couple, my husband and I get invited to different industry events and red carpet events. We attend those we feel like attending. We have a lot of connections but few are close friends. Although we are in the public eye, we prefer to lead a private life, like our friends Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

I live in luxury and convenience. Although I can afford anything I want, my husband still pampers me. I enjoy that immensely. I am chauffeur driven, except where I’m taking a recreational drive. I really am living my dream life! And to think I still have a whole other half of my life to live, God willing.

Dr M I have to go, my glam team is waiting to get me ready for the Met Gala. I mean, I can’t believe this is my life! Anyway my dear, I just wanted to update you on my life and find out what’s happening in your life. I miss you. My love to you and your family.

With love Sibo H.


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