Designing your dream home – 9 Architectural Digest homes to help you dream bigger


Do you have any idea what your dream home looks like? Have you ever seen a house and thought I’d like to live in a place like that one day? What if you could dream that house into life? When my mom was younger, having grown up in a rural area in Zimbabwe, she could only dream of what she knew. One day a workmate came and told her of a house she had visited. She told my mom how this man had a phone in every room (back when cellphones didn’t exist) and how he had a TV in every room and described the furniture he had. My mom didn’t see this house but when she told my aunt about it, she said: “one day I will live in a house like that.” Now she lives in a house with a TV in every room and because of cellphones, she can have a phone in every room lol. She dreamed it and it happened.

I’ve realized that you can’t dream of something you’ve never seen or heard about. We dream according to what we know. I was never much of a dreamer. I just wanted a “nice” house or apartment. Then one day whilst driving, I saw this beautiful house and I just had to stop and take pictures of it. I started calling it “my house.” Now, because I’m such a big dreamer, my dream home is nowhere near where I currently live. I discovered beautiful, artistic homes in Architectural Digest on YouTube. Through watching the different homes, I’ve been able to design my dream home, on paper for now. Although I don’t know how it will happen, I know one day I will live in my Architectural Digest worthy dream home.

I discovered rooms I didn’t even realize I wanted in my house. I’ve also seen things I never knew existed and been able to add them to my dream home. Thanks to Architectural Digest, now my home will have a library, a chef’s kitchen and a cool outside water feature.

If you’re designing your dream home, whether in your head or on paper and are looking for ideas, I’ve listed 9  Architectural Digest homes for you to check out. I’ve tried to include homes that are different from each other and each offer something unique. For example there’s Aaron Paul’s Idaho home if you’re into the rustic, serene and calm country type of living, complete with a woodshed and everything. Not my style but I know it’s somebody’s dream house. I’ve included apartments, as well as family homes. There are some absolutely gorgeous views to be found here too. In the interests of full disclosure, I’ve included two videos with Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s homes. In my defense, their videos were fun to watch, plus they’re both designers so it’s only fair they get two separate slots.

I’m so excited for you to check out these homes and see which one you like or what you’ll pick and choose from the varied houses, to put together to form your ideal home. Sometimes I feel like I dream too big for people around me to relate. So if you’re a dreamer like me and like one or more of these houses, please let me know in the comments so I don’t feel alone in my dreaming. To see more homes, you can search YouTube for “Architectural Digest” and it will bring up many homes to go through. You could also check out their website. And now, the 9 homes, as promised:

Nicole Scherzinger’s Los Angeles House with a Cozy Home Theater

Scott Disick’s Home with an Amazing Car Collection

Kerry Washington’s New York City Apartment

Jessica Alba’s Los Angeles Home

John Stamos’ Beverly Hills House

Aaron Paul’s Rustic Riverside Home in Idaho

Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s California Dream House

Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s New York City Townhouse

Bel Air Mansion with a Hidden Car Elevator


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