Bucket list of people to meet, places to visit and experiences to have


Have you ever written a bucket list or considered writing one? In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s a list of things you would like to do before you die or “kick the bucket” as the saying goes. I came across an A-fest talk on YouTube given by the late Sean Stephenson in 2010. I’ll link to it here and at the end of this post.

I bring up the talk because in it he tells the audience to make a bucket list. This bucket list he encourages, should be in 3 parts, namely: 1. People you want to meet, 2. Places you want to visit and 3. Experiences you want to have.

Just as I was thinking “I’ve already written similar lists,” he said “I don’t care if you’ve written one before, do it again right now.” Being the active learner that I am and the big dreamer that I am, I thought what have I got to lose, so I paused the video and started writing my lists. I would encourage you to watch the video and go ahead and write your own lists. Things on his list came true so I’m excited to see how the things on my lists will come about.

Here are my lists as an example:

People I look forward to meeting:

  1. Oprah Winfrey
  2. Tim Ferriss
  3. Trevor Noah
  4. Alicia Keys
  5. Rihanna
  6. Sean Paul
  7. Arianna Huffington
  8. Steve Harvey
  9. Daymond John
  10. Lisa Nichols
  11. Devon Franklin
  12. Joel Osteen
  13. Vishen Lakhiani
  14. Richard Branson
  15. Dr Joe Dispenza

Places I aim to visit

  1. Los Angeles
  2. Chicago
  3. Mauritius
  4. Paris
  5. Agra, India
  6. Austin, Texas
  7. Madrid, Spain
  8. Marrakech, Morocco
  9. Dubai
  10. New York City

Experiences I look forward to:

  1. Being financially free and financially independent.
  2. Attending A-fest.
  3. Speaking at A-fest.
  4. Attending a Dr Joe Dispenza retreat.
  5. Living in an oceanfront home that I own.
  6. Dancing a dance I love professionally.
  7. Hosting a podcast or video talk show.
  8. Being invited to and attending the Met Gala.
  9. Guest appearing on a TV show or movie.
  10. Touching people with my work, be it through speaking, writing, dancing or anything else. Being used by God to minister to people through my work and my life.
  11. Falling in love with the man of my dreams and he loves me back.
  12. Being proposed to in a memorable romantic way by the man of my dreams.
  13. Getting married to the man of my dreams.
  14. Pillow talks with my husband.
  15. Becoming a mother.
  16. Advising a sitting President.
  17. Having a chef to make my meals.
  18. Flying first class.
  19. Living in serenity.
  20. Living in luxury.
  21. Receiving a Birkin bag as a gift.
  22. Dancing with Makhadzi.
  23. Having a great relationship with each person in my inner circle.
  24. Staying at the presidential suite (or the best suite) of a high end luxury hotel.
  25. Spending the night at Oprah’s home.

I hope you choose to make your own bucket list.


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