Before you pick up that gun and shoot…


Before you act

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “don’t jump the gun.” I think more than just not jumping the gun, you have to start with observing the gun. Walk around it, look at it, study it so you will recognize it.

Before you even pick it up, learn all you can about it. Learn how to clean it. Learn how to load it. Learn how to operate it. Learn how to aim at a target and not miss. Learn how to deal with missing and what steps to take after missing. Practice as you learn. Practice until you can do it in your sleep.

Pick up the gun. Feel it in your hands. Learn what it feels like when it’s loaded and what it feels like when it’s empty. What does it feel like when it only has 3 bullets? You don’t want to be in battle and find out you’re holding an empty gun when you thought it was loaded. Know from just holding it what’s in it.

Finally when you’re ready, pick up that gun, aim at your target and shoot. Don’t ask questions, don’t wait for permission, just shoot because you are well prepared.


People want overnight success but there is no such thing. Don’t fall into that overnight success trap that people will try to sell you. The world might see it that way but there was a lot of preparation before the success came. Behind the scenes work not seen by people. Sleepless nights that no one knows about. The doing of the same things over and over and over again. Getting the basics right so when the time comes you’re ready. When it all pays off, those watching from afar may call it overnight success but a lot of time spent on preparation would have gone into it.

There’s of course the waiting. This takes patience. Knowing that what you’re waiting for is coming helps with this. So you have to believe and have faith so that the waiting is made easier.

During the waiting period, don’t wait passively. That’s when preparation is vital. Do all the grunt work now so that when the success comes you are ready for it. That means develop yourself in every necessary aspect. However that looks like for you. Be it spiritually, mentally, physically or in every single way.

Read, research and learn all you can about where you want to be. Take time to practice. I don’t know what you dream of or aspire to achieve but it’s necessary to perfect your craft one day at a time. Do all that’s required even without an audience. Do it as though everyone is watching. For example write without a single current reader knowing one day millions will read. When what you dreamed of finally happens the world might call it overnight success but you will know the preparation and patience it would have taken.


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