As someone in the process of designing her dream life and working towards making it a possibility, I think a lot about what I want in life and whether they are my desires or socially accepted ideals or something like that. I’m constantly reflecting on my life and how I want to show up in the world. I recently came across an article by Mia Fox titled: 7 questions to find out what you really want in life. I liked what she had to say so I noted down the questions and took time to answer them. You can go and read the article yourself. She goes into detail about not only what you want but considering the why as well. What I’m sharing here are my answers as an example, in case you consider writing your own.
The questions as outlined by Mia Fox:
- What Would I Wish for Someone I Love?
- What Would I Do With My Life if Money Wasn’t an Issue?
- What Things Would I Like to Experience if I Had Absolutely No Fear?
- A Genie Gives Me Three Free Wishes. What Would They Be?
- What Would My Ideal Day Look Like?
- I’m 100 Years Old and Look Back, What Would I Be Most Happy About?
- What Do I Not Like to Do?
Answering the 7 questions to figure out exactly what I want.
- What would I wish for someone I love?
For them to be free to be who and what they want to be. To live life on their own terms. To have freedom of choice. For them to be happy. To be at peace. To feel loved. To love themselves. To be healed. To be fit and healthy. To be able to do what they love. To succeed at doing what they love. To have FU money. To be able to live the life of their dreams. To be able to live life with the person of their dreams and love them and be loved back and they have a wonderful life together. To have friends who love and value them. To love and value their friends. To be well in mind, body and spirit.
- What would I do with my life if money wasn’t an issue?
* I would do what I love.
* During the time I’ve assigned for passion/purpose/work, I would write, speak, dance, have real deep conversations and act as an advisor or consultant. I would learn and teach because I enjoy both. I would watch and listen to podcasts. I would read productive material. I would work from home and close to home for things that require me to leave the house. I would travel in luxury for work that requires travel, so I feel like I’m at home.
* During my play time, I would read, watch TV and do anything else I choose to do. I would also spend time with friends and family that I choose to spend time with.
* I would have daily me time.
* I would live in luxury.
* I would travel in luxury and live in luxurious hotels.
* I would host people at my place for dream pursuers meetings, games evenings, dance evenings or any other thing I choose.
- What things would I like to experience if I had absolutely no fear?
* Swimming in the ocean.
* Falling in love and allowing myself to be loved and to love without reservations.
* Work out with David Goggins and be tested by him.
- A Genie gives me 3 wishes, what would they be?
* Money – to save, invest and spend as I have planned out and live the life of my dreams. (I’ve written down an exact amount, I’m just not sharing it here.)
* Health and wellness – To be healthy and fit. To be emotionally healed and feel whole. To be at peace.
* Love and connection – To have friends who love and value me and I love and value them. To be brought together with the man of my dreams, to love him and be loved by him, to have a wonderful relationship, for us to experience life together as husband and wife for the rest of our lives. To have a mother’s unconditional love for my children and they feel loved by me.

- What would my ideal day look like?
I wrote this down but I’m choosing not to share it right now. Consider what your ideal day would look like and write it down, from when you wake up right up to when you go to bed.
- I’m 100 years old and look back, what would I be most happy about?
* That I lived my life exactly how I wanted to.
* I was my truest most authentic self throughout my life.
* I learned to truly love myself and helped others to do the same.
* I loved all people.
* I fully loved those I chose to love.
* I nourished my friendships and valued them, especially with my inner circle.
* I did what I said I would do.
* That I believed and lived to see it pay off.
* That I exemplified what dreaming big can result in.
* That I positively impacted people’s lives.
* That through my life and just being me, people were led to God.
* I loved my husband unconditionally and he felt it and knew it, which gave him freedom to be himself.
* I spent quality time with my husband and made time for him even though I managed to do so much with my life.
* I made my husband a priority in my life.
* When we had children, I made my husband and my children a priority in my life.
* That I spent time with my children and was a good influence in their lives.
* That I loved my children unconditionally and they knew it and felt it.
* That my husband and I set a good example for our children.
* My children are happy and whole and are each living the life of their dreams.
- What do I not like to do?
* House work.
* Cooking, unless I choose to do it.
* Feel forced to do things I don’t want to do.
* Do work that I don’t enjoy.
* Anything that inconveniences me.
Those are my answers. Maybe check out the article by Mia Fox and answer the questions for yourself, if you’d like.