Can you find 101 things you love about yourself?


As I continue on my journey to self-love, I’m finding more ways and things to do to help me in this endeavour.

A few months ago I came across this article by Tanya de Kruijff that suggested that the reader consider writing a list of 101 things they love about themselves. As someone who not long ago didn’t love herself and found myself to be unlovable, this seemed a daunting task. I liked the suggestion though, as well as her example, so I sat down to write my list. It didn’t take one sitting. After a few days, I had my list of 101 things I love about myself. Turns out they do exist. I’m glad I did this exercise because now I have a list to turn to when I start being hard on myself and become overly critical of myself.

I’m going to share 25 things from my list to give you an example, in case you decide to write your own list.

  1. I am such a big dreamer!
  2. I have a great sense of humour, even though sometimes I’m the only one who thinks so.
  3. I am futuristic.
  4. I am an active learner, I don’t just learn and not apply.
  5. I have beautiful fingers and fingernails.
  6. I am decisive.
  7. I am ambitious.
  8. As I learn I share with other people so they can better themselves.
  9. I prefer to form my own opinion about people.
  10. I am willing and able to change my mind about something.
  11. I allow myself to be vulnerable.
  12. I keep improving.
  13. I enjoy learning from other people.
  14. I like my own company.
  15. My smile is real.
  16. I don’t take myself too seriously.
  17. I’m not afraid to seem silly or look crazy.
  18. I have a great imagination. It makes living in my head fun.
  19. I get excited when I see other people succeed.
  20. I act even when I’m scared or unsure.
  21. I’m not afraid to do what no one else around me is doing.
  22. I can think on my feet.
  23. I love how my brain works.
  24. I am not a people pleaser anymore.
  25. I show up and keep showing up even when the results are not yet evident.

If you decide to write your own list, enjoy and feel free to share some of the things from your list.


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