A strong woman of faith in the Beauty Industry – An interview with Lola Rutendo Denga

This article was originally published in the September 2021 edition of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


In each issue of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine, we celebrate individuals that dream big, pursue their dreams and are pursuing success on their own terms. I’d like us to learn from them, to see how like us they are or how they differ from us. For us to see what we can do differently or continue to do to pursue our own dreams and success. This month we get a glimpse into the beauty-filled life of Lola Rutendo Denga.

I had the pleasure of meeting Lola at an event we were both speaking at. I was drawn to her because of how passionate she is about what she does. I could tell right from the start that she didn’t just go with the flow as the world often expects of people, but that she actually pursues what she is passionate about and what interests her. I’ve seen more of this as I follow her journey and see what she keeps doing since the time I met her.

A professional in the beauty industry, Lola is not only concerned with outer beauty, she caters for the soul and being of those she works with. She is a beauty therapist and has recently launched Glow Getter Girl Online Magazine. I believe she is someone we could benefit from by taking a page out of her book. Let’s relax and have the luxury of delving into Lola’s life.

Where are you from and where do you currently live?

I was born and live in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Tell us about your childhood. What was life like for you growing up?

I grew up with two siblings, a younger sister and a younger brother. As the oldest, my childhood was filled with a lot of responsibility; I learned how to cook by 9 years old. I baked my first cake then too. A big part of my childhood was traveling with my family to places like Lake Kariba, Vic Falls, Matopos, etc. I also enjoyed the arts a lot, like drama and choir. When I got home from school, I enjoyed playing in the garden and imagining stories. I have always been a creative.

Growing up, did you imagine you would do the things you’ve been able to do in your life?

Yes, certainly. Some of the things that I am doing now are things that I imagined I would be doing. My sister always laughed at my various career choices (flight attendant, nurse etc) but beauty therapy always stuck above everything else.

So far, what are you most proud of achieving in your life?

I would say I am definitely proud of launching my natural beauty brand, Tru Jamila and launching my prayer devotional, Glow, which has now transformed into a platform for female Glow Getters. I am proud of being a mom and the lessons I have learned, because motherhood has kept me focused. When I look at my daughter, I want her to see a role model in me, which forces me to push after my dreams no matter what.

What are you currently working on?

I have just recently launched the Glow Getter Girl Online Magazine. Right now I am currently working on launching my Glow School of Confidence which will host different online programs such as, How to grow your beauty business, How to self-publish your book, and more.

What did you do before what you’re doing now?

I was doing a lot of things since I have many passions. From cakes to events, however Massage therapy and blogging/writing have been my most consistent pursuits.

What made you decide to get into the beauty industry?

When I was 13, I was involved in a terrible car accident coming back from a holiday in Victoria Falls. I was admitted at Hwange Hospital and I specifically recall being taken care of by a certain nurse. She would stay overtime just to be with me. After that I felt being a nurse was so amazing. One time at 14 years old, we were walking and passed this lady who was talking about treating your nails. I went in and asked for the treatment and got my first manicure.

The same feeling of care I received from the nurse is the feeling I felt at that moment getting my nails done. I was sold that beauty therapy is better than nursing because people can experience the feeling of being taken care of without handling blood. When I completed my 6th Form, after not being able to attend beauty school in the US, I applied at a local college in my town that offered the program and had the most amazing beauty teacher that really inspired me to start my mobile spa right after my attachment. At 21, a good friend of mine and I rented a space that we turned into a haven for women. This would begin my journey in learning about business as I had to close down shortly after, there was a lot I needed to master so I began being mobile and learning the beauty industry as a whole.

What prompted you to start your blog Devotions and Delights?

After I launched my prayer devotional, I wanted a place where my readers could get to know me more and get to see more of my content. I believe as an author, a blog is a powerful tool to connect with your audience.

What do you enjoy about running your own business or working on your own venture/projects?

I enjoy the fact that I can tailor my own schedule and spend more time with my family as I choose to. I enjoy being able to execute ideas, which increases my creativity and enhances my self-identity.

What have you found to be difficult or challenging in running your own business or project?

I guess being a solo-preneur has been the most difficult to juggle all the demands of the projects, being the marketer and administrator and then some. I have to overcome a lot of mental blocks and learn how to prioritize tasks. Also, funding yourself is difficult, though I am grateful for my supportive family, just having to be patient to get to see the growth and results you desire.

How has COVID-19 affected what you do and what have you learned as a result?

Covid-19 has definitely slowed down the massage services I used to give, but in turn it has actually pushed me to really grow my business online. This has made me realize a lot of opportunities. I also tapped into my gift of writing, where I now offer virtual assisting copywriting services thanks to the lockdown!

If someone wanted to start their own business or project or get into the beauty industry, what insights would you give them?

First of all, you have to figure out your values because that is what will help you achieve your goals. Secondly, I would say take the necessary time and effort to really have your structure in order, so you can then grow a long-term business. Thirdly, you need accountability and a source of refuelling (praying, journaling, meditating etc) because there is a lot of pressure and stressors in business.

Do you have dreams, goals or a vision for your life?

Yes, I do.

Have you recorded the above in any way?

Yes, I journal a lot.

Have any of your dreams or goals come true or been achieved?

Yes, they have.

What drives you in life? What keeps you going?

My relationship with God and my family keep me going.

What does success look like for you?

Success is being able to live every day finding something to be thankful for.

Are you in any way or form taking care of or feeding your mind, spirit, body and soul? If yes, how are you doing that?

Every day, I like to get up and physically open my Bible and stay away from electronic things. Then I take time to pray and worship, then I start writing. Mid-morning I like to take walks, and appreciate the outdoor air.

How do you show yourself love, if you do that?

I like to go and get my hair done and a mani/pedi as well. I also like to make sure I get myself my favourite snacks over the weekend and get in front of a book or a good movie. I like to go to the coffee shop and eat out, just doing the little things that I enjoy for myself.

What places have you travelled to?

Locally I have been to Victoria Falls, Kariba, Nyanga and Harare. Then in Africa I have been to Cape Town, South Africa and Gaberone, Botswana. Internationally, I have been to the USA in Georgia where my mom and my siblings live. I have also been to the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi.

What did you love about the places you’ve travelled to?

I absolutely loved the food in Cape Town! And it is such a scenic place. I also enjoy being in Victoria Falls and the privilege of being at one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World in my own country. In the US, it felt like dreams can come to realization.

What have you learned from your travel experiences?

I have just learned an appreciation for different languages and culture. I have really gotten to see how certain people progress more than other nations by the way they do things.

What has been your most enriching travel experience and why?

Being in the USA has been the most enriching travel experience because I was exposed to how so many things are possible. It has helped me stay hopeful for my own future.

Do you have any people you consider role models? (Living or passed on) If yes please name them.

Madame CJ Walker, Francine Rivers and definitely my parents.

What 3 books or podcasts have played a role in your personal development and growth? The Holy Bible, Redeeming love by Francine Rivers and The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu – that one changed my life!

For someone at the beginning of pursuing their dreams, what book would you suggest they start with?

Definitely The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu.

If you were to be well known for something, what would you want it to be? Or how would you want to be remembered at the end of your life?

I want to be remembered as a powerhouse like Madame CJ Walker, a beauty mogul and to have published volumes of books from myself and others. I want people fighting for shares in my brand. However, the legacy that is dearest to my heart is that I want to be remembered as the grandmother that prayed. I want my grandchildren to say “uGogo wayekhuleka.”

What life lessons or thoughts would you like to leave the reader with?

Firstly I would want to say don’t be afraid of the gift that stands out in your life, your gift will make room for you. Start now and start right where you are, you have more resources around you than you think. Take the time to do a step by step actionable plan, even something as simple as “talking” is a plan. Find a community of people that share the same ideals and goals as you, this will keep you motivated and is a great way to begin to learn. Spend time researching your passion and market every single day, this will make you an expert in your field. It is alright to have more than one business idea, the key thing is to take time and build one business idea at a time. The timeline is really up to you, do not get bogged down by statistics, you will know when you are ready for the next step. Remember to take care of your soul, this will get you to glow from the inside out!

How can readers support you or your work if they would like to do that?

Join my creative lady glow getters and subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel.

How can people access you or your business or follow you?

You find me on Facebook as Lola Ru, Facebook group and checkout my website for lots of free resources www.lolaru.co.zw, you can also email me on loladenga@gmail.com.


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