Don’t let your environment limit you

This article was originally published in the July 2021 edition of Sibo-Lifestyle Magazine.


In a book called “Key to yourself,” Venice Bloodworth says: “Your present conditions are the result of your past thinking. You will be what you are thinking today.” Read that again. Now consider what you think about yourself and your life. Is it something you’d like to see in your future? If it is, that’s great, if not, then maybe you ought to change those thoughts. Your thoughts determine your future. When you realise how powerful thoughts are, it changes your whole perspective.

If I will be what I am thinking today, then my thoughts are going to be of the great things I want to see in my life. Before something can be manifested in your life, you have to see it in your mind first. What you think ends up happening in your life, whether or not you realise it. If what we think is what ends up happening then our thinking has to be in line with what we want to see in our future. Sometimes it’s not easy to change beliefs or thoughts you’ve had for a long time. If things are going to change though, you have to change those thoughts.

It’s not easy to change something you’ve thought for 20, 30 or 50 years but it can be done and if you’re going to live the life you dream of, you have to start thinking differently. You might have been told growing up you will never amount to anything, I’m here to tell you that’s not true. You might have been told no one will love you; that is a lie. You might have been told you’re not good enough, that is the biggest of all lies. What’s even worse is if you’re the one now telling yourself those negative things.

Let me tell you: You are beautiful, you are lovable, you are worthy of respect and you are great, even if no one sees it yet. In time they will. You need to think it and believe it first. Whether that belief is in yourself or in God, you have to believe. Know what you want, believe it and focus your thinking on it and you will live to see it come to life.

If you’ve read past editions of the magazine you’ll know that I’m a big advocate for having a vision for your life, dreaming big, believing in those dreams and living to one day see those dreams come to life. If you didn’t know that, now you know lol. I believe that it is possible to create your ideal life and get to a point where you achieve that life. I truly believe it’s possible, no matter where you come from or what your current circumstances say.

Some of you might be reading this and thinking, “But I don’t even have a cent to my name, where do I even begin?” You might be saying “I’m in Africa, it’s not the same for me here as it would be for someone in the USA.” You might be thinking “I have no access to this or that.” You might be saying “but I don’t have a certain qualification.”

What did I say earlier? It all begins in your mind, with how you perceive things. You don’t need money to change your mind-set. You don’t need resources to change your thinking. What you think and what you believe will determine what happens in your life in the long run. God’s resources are limitless, which means you can prosper right where you are. You may end up moving if that’s your wish, but if you start to work on your life now, following your dreams and believing that it has already happened, you will start to see change right from where you are.

There are so many people that started with nothing or were in an environment that made it seem impossible to get out of or to prosper from. They defied the odds though and have gone on to do great things. Look at someone like Trevor Noah, he was born in apartheid South Africa but has gone on to be the host of The Daily Show, a much-coveted position. Who could have imagined that it would ever be held by an African, let alone such a young one. As a result of that show and many other things Trevor has done since, he’s now a multi-millionaire. His story should tell you that anything is possible, no matter what environment you’re coming from.

Not that I’m anywhere near what Trevor Noah has achieved but I am in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe right now and what am I doing? Writing for a magazine I started! I’ve written and published 5 books. I don’t know how many people will ever read the magazine or the books. I’m hoping many, but it could be ten or a hundred, and yet I’m doing it anyway. I always saw writing books as something to do when I’ve achieved certain things in my life and be well known, but nope, I’m doing it right now with no credentials except that I’m pursuing my dreams and living with passion and purpose. Am I scared nothing will come of all I do? Yes I am but I’m doing it anyway, believing that one day I will get to live my dream life.

You have to allow yourself to dream big, to believe it’s possible for you to live in your dreams, no matter how unlikely they seem at the moment. No matter what your environment says about your future, pursue those seemingly impossible dreams. See yourself owning the property you want to own, running the successful business you dream of, attaining that qualification, driving that car, living in the city of your choice, making money from doing what you love, having the family you dream of or anything else that you dream of. Do it right from where you are.


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