Don’t despise your current life, it will be your backstory


In the pursuit of your dreams, do you ever find yourself wondering if you’ll ever get where you want to be? Do you ever look at your circumstances and think “how are my dreams even possible considering where I am and what’s happening in my life right now?” When yet another disappointment takes place or you feel alone on your journey, do you ever wonder why things are the way they are? I’ve wondered this and asked myself these questions and more. I’ve come to the conclusion that what’s happening in my life right now is a set up for where God is taking me.

What has already happened in your life is setting you up for where you are going. It’s going to form part of your backstory. Some of it might not feel good right now but if it didn’t happen then your story wouldn’t be as interesting as it’s going to be with such a background. If Oprah had been born to a wealthy family and her life had been an easy one, would her story be as compelling as it is now?

When I read about, hear of or watch people’s stories, where they came from and where they are now, I’m greatly encouraged  because I see proof of what can happen if you have a vision for your life and dream big. Their before and after stories remind me that I’m on the right track and what’s happening in my life right now will one day pay off. Now I can’t wait to see my story unfold.

In light of this, I am currently building a foundation for my story. When I share my dreams and what my future looks like, I do it to lay down the foundation to what God is going to do. It seems silly now but I know when  what I dream of comes true, the house that will be built on that foundation is one that will be visible to all so they can see that with God nothing is impossible. They will also see the power of believing without evidence, what is known as faith.

What are you sharing? How are you laying your foundation? What will you refer people to when your dreams start coming true?


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