4 books that helped jump-start my transformation


At pivotal points in my life, God has used books, speakers and sometimes an episode of a TV show to open my eyes to something that completely shifts my perspective and guides the trajectory of my life on a different course. Although there are many books that have done this in one way or another, here I’m going to share 4 of those books.

It might not necessarily be the same books that will work for you but find books that will do what these ones did for me.

1. Your best life now by Joel Osteen

I read this book at a time when I wasn’t satisfied with my life, I wanted more but didn’t know how. I’m glad I read it when I did because it started me dreaming and not just dreaming but dreaming big. I’m the type of person that can finish a book in a day. This one took me weeks to finish. Not because it was boring but because it resonated with me in a way that, until then, no other book had. I would read and smile all by myself. I felt like it was written for me. I savored every word.

2. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book got me choosing to follow my passions. Even though I had a 9-5 job, I started writing and blogging on the side and that has resulted in so many things in my life. In Paulo Coelho’s words: “Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend. However, we don’t all have the courage to follow our own dream.” Do you have the courage to follow your passion, your dreams, your true calling? I’d recommend you read this book because if you’re not yet convinced you have to follow your passion, this book will definitely make you a believer.

  1. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

This book showed me the power of thoughts and the importance of believing, of having faith. Similar books include: The magic of thinking big by David J Schwartz, As a man thinketh by James Allen and Key to yourself by Venice Bloodworth.

4. The 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss

This book opened my eyes to the notion that I can design my own lifestyle as I see fit and do what I want now, without waiting for retirement. It got me thinking differently about what being “rich” is and how you can live a millionaire lifestyle without being a millionaire.

What books have had an impact on your life?


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