25 lessons from the last decade


Happy new decade! Have you done your reflection for the past year and preparation for this year? I did mine and discuss that in the last post. I thought alright, I’m ready for next year. That was until I came across a Marie Forleo video where she talks about doing a 10 year review since we were about to enter a new decade. I’d never thought to do that. I was intrigued so I did a review of my past decade and let me tell you, I am so glad I did that. My eyes were opened to things I hadn’t considered and it’s also given me food for thought regarding this next decade. I would encourage you to do your own. One of the things Marie Forleo suggests we do is make a list of lessons from the last decade. I did mine and I’m sharing them here in case one or two may prove to be eye opening for you.

The below lessons were a combination of experience, books I read, videos or interviews I watched whose truth I saw in my life. For some of them the learning is an on going process.

  1. I have to love myself if I’m going to be able to love others and impact them.
  2. I have to choose friends wisely because you become like the five people closest to you, as Jim Rohn said. In addition to this, I must decide if I can trust someone before befriending them instead of the other way round.
  3. I don’t always have to be right.
  4. Success is not a universal thing. I get to decide what success looks like for me.
  5. I don’t have to achieve certain things by a certain age or be a certain way. I should live my life at my own pace without comparisons. This freed me to enjoy birthdays again and not worry about not having enough time.
  6. It’s extremely important to have a vision for my life because if I don’t I can be easily derailed.
  7. God speaks to His children and I can speak to Him and have a relationship with Him.
  8. I don’t have to live my life to please other people. I can just be me and if it bothers anyone, they’ll get over it.
  9. Happiness is a choice I have to keep making over and over again. I can’t afford to think I’m happy now and that’s it. One small thing can change things around if I let it.
  10. I should not hold on too tightly to things, be it dreams, hopes, people, control etc, because there may come a time where you have to surrender them.
  11. What I want and dream of, God wants it for me more than I do.
  12. When something happens to someone I love and I don’t know how to help them or nothing can be done for them, I can pray for them because God loves them more than I could ever love them.
  13. Continuous growth and development is vital to my success in life.
  14. If you believe, anything is possible. Not just believe, but believe without evidence, as in have faith.
  15. I can trust God because He will do what He says He will do. I can relax knowing He’s got this instead of trying too hard to force things outside of my control.
  16. My thoughts matter greatly. I become what I think about.
  17. Without the alcohol, smoking, partying etc, I’m actually an introvert and that’s okay. I don’t have to be something people expect of me. I don’t have to be a people-pleaser because of fear that I will have no friends.
  18. I should dream big because my Father, in heaven, has limitless resources.
  19. I shouldn’t be afraid to disappoint people for my beliefs or values and what I believe is right for me.
  20. I discovered that men value respect a great deal. According to a study by Shaunti Feldhahn, most men value respect more than love. I didn’t realize how important respect was for men. After reading about this in For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn, I tested the hypothesis using men around me and it was true for them.
  21. Beauty not only lies in the eye of the beholder but the most important beholder of them all is me.
  22. I am beautiful. Yes I actually had to learn that I am beautiful.
  23. I am lovable.
  24. Truly trusting God comes out through the fire, not when everything’s going well and you say “Oh I trust God.”
  25. God loves me no matter what. I used to think God only loved me if I was a certain way or did certain things but He loves me as I am. He loves you as you are. I wish more people knew this.

Those are the lessons I was wiling to share, some were too personal. If you’d like to do your own decade review, here’s the Marie Forleo video I was talking about: (There are 3 short videos, the below is the first one.)



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